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Add Fruits And Vegetables

What's for Dinner

Dinner was being prepared and there was the pot roast cooking in the crock pot. We need to add fruits and vegetables to make this meal more complete and tasty. We know about the food pyramid, but why is it so important to add the fruits and vegetables.

Your Health

There are many things that are important in your life. Right up there at the top is your health. If you are not healthy you can't do many of the other things that are important. Do you like to be active? Or do you just have a hobby that you enjoy. If you're overweight or you have health problems, that is going to make it harder to be involved in those hobbies.

How do fruits and Vegetables affect your health?

These are some of the benefits of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. You may be surprised at the list of benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.


If you are at a high risk for stroke, fruits and vegetables might decrease that risk. If you add fruits and vegetables to your diet you will be reducing your chance of developing cardiovascular issues.

Type 2 Diabetes

If your doctor has told you that you are in danger of suffering from type 2 diabetes or you think that you should be concerned about type 2 diabetes, you should add fruits and vegetables to your diet. Add fruits and vegetables and you have found one way to reduce your risk.


Eating fruits and vegetables will help you to reduce the chance that you will get some types of cancer.


Fruits and vegetables are good foods to include in your diet to get fiber. What will fiber do for your health. If you are taking in proper amounts of fiber you are decreasing the chance you will suffer from coronary heart disease.

Lowering calorie intake

You're on a diet and you're planning your meals. You have your fish and you need a couple of other items to complete the meal. You can choose some starchy foods like mashed potatoes or you can go with the healthier alternative and add fruits and vegetables. That's pretty much a no brainer. The potatoes will add quite a few more calories into your diet than a serving of broccoli. If you're trying to diet you want to bring in a smaller amount of calories than you burn off. So you want to reduce the calories you're consuming by choosing broccoli over mashed potatoes.

Kids love fruit

If you're a parent a good way of improving the diet of your kids is to add fruits and vegetables. One thing I like to do is trick my kids into being healthy. It's obvious that fruits and vegetables are healthy for you. Fruits aren't a problem. They're picky about all fruit but I can find a fruit that they will all eat. Vegetables are more tricky. Give them spaghettios or some other or V8 fusion juice that includes vegetables and they will not be the wiser, or add a piece of cheese, to spice up the disliked vegetable. Trick 'em the first time and they might find out they like it.

More Common Sense

If you add fruits and vegetables into your diet you be making a great decision. You will be improving your chances of achieving a healthy body and you will also most like be reducing your calorie intake, which is a good step in the weight loss process.

I am an affiliate marketer and have started my own website, Losing Weight with Jerry to educate people about information such as to add fruits and vegetables to your diet.

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