So you are working on getting into shape, but those stubborn little rolls of fat, notoriously known as the muffin top, still greets you in the mirror each morning. The battle with the muffin top can seem never ending, but there are several exercise strategies to employ that specifically target muffin top fat.
Muffin Top Exercises 1: Obliques
Focusing on the core will help improve core strength and reduce the pesky fat around your midsection. Here are two simple oblique exercises:
1. Twist Crunches
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs bent with your knees pointing towards the ceiling. As you breath out, press your abdominals into the floor and press your right shoulder up and across your body. Come to neutral and repeat to the left. Do 50 reps.
2. Standing Oblique Crunches
Standing straight with your hands behind your head lift your right knee as you bend to the side and attempt to meet your right elbow to your knee. Come to neutral. Complete 30 reps to the right and then switch to the left.
Muffin Top Exercises 2: Cardio
Getting the heart rate up is essential to burning fat, and therefore getting rid of a muffin top. There are lots of cardio options out there. Here are two simple ideas for intense fat-burning cardio:
1. Elliptical
The elliptical provides a great heart-pumping whole body workout. Do a thirty minute elliptical session three times a week to see that muffin top melt away.
2. Series
Choose three cardio exercises and perform the series three times for an intense twenty minute cardio workout. Exercises that specifically will help you burn muffin top fat include: burpees, the mountain climber, jumping jacks, jump rope, the tuck jump, and the push up. One example: 10 burpees, 20 jumping jacks, 10 mountain climbers. Repeat 3x.
Muffin Top Exercises 3: Abs
There are many fantastic ab exercises that will help increase your core strength and burn tummy fat. Get some heart pumping music going and do a solid ten minutes of ab exercises several times a week to see results. Here are three exercises to get you started:
1. The Plank
Hold your body in the push-up position with abs engaged for thirty seconds. Build up to ninety seconds.
2. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
On your hands and knees extent your right arm and left leg away from you off the floor. Hold briefly and replace. Repeat on the left. Do 15 reps.
3. The Bicycle
Lying on your back with your hands behind your head raise your head and shoulders off of the floor. "Bicycle" your legs and touch your opposite elbow to your opposite knee each time. Be careful not to pull on your neck with your hands.
Combined with clean eating, working on these muffin top exercises regularly will get you results in a matter of weeks.
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