Are you tired of dieting? Always stating a new diet on Monday? I was exactly the same until I found out the truth about diets.
There is one very simple way to lose weight without dieting. That is to start to eat for good health. You don't have to starve yourself or jump through hoops. Just eat healthily and the weight drops off.
In fact not dieting is a better and more efficient way to lose weight and keep it off. The media has filled our heads for so many years with diet style advertising that we think crash diets and starvation is the way to go. This way of thinking has literally millions of people going on crash diets and then failing. Or they succeed then put the weight on afterwards. This style of 'dieting' is totally unnatural and throws your body way off track.
Your body reacts by slowing its calorie burning activities right down to a minimum. So the weight loss process becomes even harder. People give up and go back to their old eating habits. Because their body has slowed down so much they gain weight super fast. And then they go off to look for another lose weight fast media hyped nonsense product.
OK. So how can I lose weight without dieting?
Start to eat the right foods. Eat fruit and vegetables. Stop eating processed or pre packaged food and go for what nature has given us. All the processed, mass produced factory food we eat is making us fat and killing us. It is packed with chemicals and mostly has heaps of sugar in it. It has very little nutrition too.
There are a many foods which are touted as healthy that make us fat too. Foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice turn into sugar when they are digested. So eating those foods is a close equivalent to eating sugar. Maybe you think I am crazy again! But I assure you this is totally true.
Ok. So how can I lose weight without dieting in the best way?
One year ago I was fed up of 'dieting' I had tried many of the hyped up rapid weight loss products only to fail in the long run. I took a real long look at myself and the way I had been doing things. I asked myself the same question 'How can I lose weight without dieting'. I researched and realized not only was it possible it was by far the best way to go about things. I have been following this eating style for a year now and I feel great. I am now a sensible weight, I feel healthy, I am full of energy and my friends say I look ten years younger. I will never go back. I am so glad I said to myself a year ago "how can I lose weight without dieting?"
By adding more fruit and vegetables to what you eat, throwing away the processed foods and cutting way down on pasta, bread, rice and potatoes you will lose weight very efficiently. You are not 'dieting' you are adopting a different eating style. You are making healthy changes for the long term and you will see the benefits right away. As I said this is not 'dieting' this is chosing a different way of eating. You are not eating less. You are just changing some foods for other foods. Replace carbohydrates with fruit and vegetables. And just don't eat processed or pre packed foods.
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