The human body psychologically controls the level of input and out of energy. If the human body takes in more energy through drinks or foods, than the excess energy that is not used is accumulated in the body in the form of fats. It can be seen that with change in weight the level of body lean mass also varies. In ayurveda excess fat deposition in the body is believed to be equivalent to accumulation of toxins because this excess body fat hinders body's capability, reduces it stamina and raises the risk of a number of diseases. To reduce obesity or overweight, one needs to identify the causes and herbal supplements for overweight that can effectively reduce weight without causing ay side effects.
Overweight is caused by imbalance of energy and people who are physically inactive are more susceptible to obesity. There are number of other causes and herbal supplements for overweight is Figura Capsule, that can be taken to regulate many of the causes given below -
1. Genetics - Obesity or overweight problem can run in family and this can be seen in people suffering from Bardet-Biedl syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome. Basically, the genetic factor can be controlled by adopting a healthy lifestyle. There are many external factors that can be regulated to prevent extra deposition of body fats.
2. Use of medicines - Certain medications can cause obesity. The medications for polycystic ovary syndrome or Cushing's disease causes weight gain. The medicine for depression and steroids are also responsible for weight gain. Birth control pills, beta blockers, medication for heart diseases, blood pressure, and rheumatoid arthritis and anti seizures cause weight gain. Even certain medicine for migraine can cause it and it can be avoided by changing the medication and discontinuing its use.
3. Depression - Ayurveda believe the problem of depression has direct impact on the functioning of the intestines and the food taken will not be digested properly if the person remains depressed. If the digestion is slow the person gains more weight. It has been found that mental status and depression can cause weight gain as it makes a person to eat more high fat diet or high calorie diet. Reduced physical activity is also linked with weight gain caused by depression.
4. Intake of improper diet- A diet low in nutrition can cause weight gain. The most important minerals that affect the immune system of the body are vitamin D, iron and magnesium. People who do not take adequate nutrition through diet will take low value nutrition through high calorie foods and drinks. Even after taking high calorie diet they feel hungry because the body is not getting the required nutrition. This can cause weight gain and the person feels low in energy.
There are many other causes and herbal supplements for overweight can be taken to reduce these effects. Figura Capsule is a rich herbal capsule that can improve body's metabolism and digestion of food in intestines and prevent weight gain. It contains herbs that regulates metabolism and fulfils body's need for nutrition to reduce craving for food.
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