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Venus Factor Works Great For The Obese Women As Double The Leptin Is Present

Food is intrinsic to life as through it we secure the energy required for our vital processes. However, our food intake is seldom balanced as per our energy requirements and if this happens on a continuous basis then it results into either a leaner body or the fatty one. Both types are actually the discrepancies and should be corrected. However, in most of the cases, the obesity bothers more to the bearer because this hinders the normal life style in more than one ways.

The first aberration comes in the form of diets and most of us develop a habit of avoiding the fat rich or heavy calorie foods on the pretext that it will deteriorate the situation. The second ill effect is the lack of vigor and vitality in the daily routine tasks and third is the most troublesome aspect of the diseases like diabetes and hypertension that develop and catalyze with the obesity conditions. Therefore, most of the obese persons try to find the solution out at the earliest as also through the best and easy route.

Unfortunately, the counsels of weight loss which work for one may not work for other and even the male and female bodies respond differently towards the fat loss approaches. The Venus factor weight loss program has been designed specially for the ladies obesity problem and relies on a smarter hormonal route of leptin. Leptin is the hormone that is released by the fat tissues and it is present in quantities double as much as the males.

The hormone leptin has a direct relation with the metabolism of the body. An adequate amount of leptin is read by the brain as a fine condition whereby food is available and the metabolism can be increased. The signals are therefore sent out from the hypothalamus region of the brain where the maximum of the leptin receptors are present. When the leptin level fall down the reverse signals are generated and the metabolism slows down too. Metabolism rate has been directly linked to the deposition of fat in the body.

The Venus factor program has been specially recommended for the women trying to reduce their fat and get slimmer. There are more of researches going on in the segment of obesity reduction and the insights so developed have gone beyond the exercising and dieting suggestions. The leptin approach bases itself in filling the fat cells to the optimum level and these cells will generate ample amounts of hormone leptin; which in turn elevates the metabolic rate of the body. The fat burning, thus, is also elevated. This is in direct contrast to the traditional approach whereby the fat rich foods and high calorie foods are restricted so that less of the fat is deposited in the body.

The increase in metabolism has, however, remained as a central component of the weight and fat reduction approaches. This has been attempted either through dieting or allowance of the fatty foods as in the case of the Venus factor program. Yoga and meditation are yet another approach to increase the metabolism rate; however the real intricacies involved therein makes it a tougher proposition to incorporate in life!
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