1 of 9

Herbal treats
72 Calories
4 slices crystallized ginger
2 of 9
3 of 9

Crackers for the crunch
50 Calories
5 Mary's Gone Crackers Chipotle Tomato Sticks & Twigs
3 of 9
4 of 9

Cinnamon hot cocoa
74 Calories
2 teaspoons Godiva Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa mix with 1/2 cup heated fat-free milk, 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, and 1 cinnamon stick
4 of 9
5 of 9

Autumn Spice Applesauce
73 Calories
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce with 1 tablespoon dried cranberries and 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
5 of 9
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Winter nuts
70 Calories
10 Maisie Jane's Orange & Spice Almonds
6 of 9
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A taste of chocolate
73 Calories
2 small pieces Xocolatti Mango Paprika Slate
7 of 9
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Ginger nibbles
47 Calories
3 Trader Joe's Triple Ginger Cookie Thins
8 of 9