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Week 3: Almost There!

Last updated: Sep 01, 2011

By Chelsea

Home stretch, here I come! This past week on Health's Get Slim in September challenge went pretty smoothly, but the weekend was pretty rough. Several times, I thought about cheating. But I didnt, only because I couldnt narrow down which item I would cheat with: the soup I am missing from a local Mexican restaurant, a mocha, a burrito with avocado, a breakfast sandwich at my familys favorite weekend hangout. I wanted it all, so ultimately I didnt cheat. Sigh.

Admittedly, I am pretty sure this is the first time in my life I have stuck to healthy eating on a weekend. (Well, except for the previous two weekends on this diet!) Generally, weekends are my time to live it up, even when Im on a "diet." But I really stuck to eating well this weekend. At a concert I attended, I actually threw a tinfoil-wrapped Kashi meal into my bag. The look on the security guards face when he searched my bag was priceless. Im not even sure food was allowed in, but he clearly felt sorry for me.

While Im sticking to the diet really well, turns out my hubby is over being my partner in food deprivation. He ate a hot dog at the concert, and that was only the beginning of a weekend in which he indulged in many of our favorites. I have to give him props for making it this far—three weeks! He still eats the meals with me, but he generally eats something after as well.

On Monday, my best friend since the fourth grade and I were on our local NBC news station to discuss how to prepare for back-to-school, based on tips from our blog. It was a tad nerve-racking to be on live TV. It surely would have been nice to have a celebratory glass of wine afterward. But alas, Id already cashed in my two snacks for the day. Sigh.

Despite these bumps in the road, Im doing really well! Running is so liberating, and I feel like Im flying now that Im lighter (after two back-to-back 3-pound losses). This week, though, Im a tad shocked: I lost only half a pound! A friend pointed out that at least I didnt gain. But the slight budge on the scale was a bit of a letdown after such a difficult weekend and losing so much in the beginning. Im trying to tell myself I gained muscle.

Accomplishments aside, Im counting the days—well, the minutes actually—until my 28 days on the diet are up. However, I plan on adapting many of the items from the meal plan into my day-to-day life, but just not on weekends. And I most certainly am going to pick my mocha habit back up! Oh mocha, I can almost taste you now!

Seven days to go. Ill keep you posted.

P.S. I found a cool tool this past week. To keep organized with my meals, Ive been using a menu planner by Glow Baby. I just fill in what I will have for each meal, as well as what each of my five kids eat.
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