My wake-up call came in the form of a holiday card from my mother, which included photos from a recent family trip. When I looked at the shots, I was mortified! Those images were all I needed to get serious about my health. After New Year's, I downloaded the free app MyFitnessPal and began tracking everything I ate. I also measured my portions to help curb overeating. I cut out soda and made sure I had a veggie such as broccoli or peas with each meal. By the end of the first month, I had knocked off 12 pounds. The initial weight loss completely energized me, and for the first time in over a year I was excited to get out of bed in the morning.
Still, I knew I needed to exercise if I wanted to lose more. So I started walking two miles around my neighborhood every day, and I even ran-walked a 5K. By May I was a full-fledged runner, logging four miles daily. And I was down another 36 pounds! My calves shrank and I finally fit back into the boots I'd thrown in the back of the closet. Even the fat that had settled around my lower back melted away! Almost a year later, I've kept the weight off and am still running. My next challenge? Conquering the Rock 'n' Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon course. It's a hard one, but I know I am up to it.

Steal Barbara's top three strategies: