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Skip the whip
Like a cool afternoon pick-me-up drink? Skip the whipped cream on top of your tall, blended iced-coffee drink and you’ll save big. Keep that sweetness on top with a light sprinkle of vanilla or chocolate powder.
Summer Savings: 90 calories
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3 of 8

Green up your smoothie
Even though smoothies have a lot of good-for-you ingredients, they’re often packed with tons of calories. Try blending in zero-calorie green tea rather than the usual low-fat milk. (Bonus: You’ll get a little caffeine jolt.)
Summer Savings: 105 calories
3 of 8
4 of 8

Pick fruit pops
If you want a cold treat, choose
all-fruit frozen pops instead of the sugar-added variety. The 100 percent ones (try coconut, mango, or pomegranate) will taste yummier, anyway, because they won’t have any of that sticky-sweet aftertaste.
Summer Savings: 85 calories
4 of 8
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Substitute your sweet
Peach pie à la mode is synonymous with summer, but fresh peaches with a scoop of fat-free vanilla frozen yogurt will save you beaucoup calories, without losing any of the tasty nostalgia.
Summer Savings: 238 calories
5 of 8
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Turn up the heat
Dust some cayenne powder on high-cal sides like potato salad, and you’ll eat less. According to recent research, the spice boosts flavor and actually curbs your appetitea win-win.
Summer Savings: 179 calories
6 of 8
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Try this cheat
Instead of serving pigs in a blanket, wrap thinly sliced prosciutto around bite-size pieces of cantaloupe and secure with a toothpick. You’ll cut carbs, have a leaner cut, and hit nearly all your daily vitamin A and C needs. Plus, it’s a delicious warm-weather snack!
Summer Savings: 194 calories
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