by Best of Low Carb
Slavic fermented beverage. Low carb.
1 LB dried ray bread, crushed
2 oz fresh yeast
1 tsp. white flour
1 LB sugar (it will go in process of brewing)
1/2 lemon
20 LB boiling water (at least)
Pour the dried bread into a big pot of boiling water, cover, let stand for 8 hours. Meanwhile, in a cup of lukewarm water, mix yeast and flour. After 8 hours, drain the bred and add the yeast mixture and sugar. Letstand in a warm place for overnight or for 12 hours. Drain through a cheesecloth, press the remains to squeeze out more liquid, put into bottles with a slice of the lemon in each, close tight and after 3 hours put into a refrigerator. Makes about 2 quart
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