by Best of Low Carb
A Low Carb Recipe
1 herring, soaked in milk overnight
1/2 LB pork, boiled
1 potato, boiled
1 T soy flour
Sour cream 2 T
Eggs 2
Onion 1/2, chopped
Butter 1 T
Salt by taste
Black pepper 1 t, ground
In a blender, blend the pork, herring, and potato until smooth. In askillet, fry the onions in butter until golden brown; gradually add to themixture continuing blending. Beat the eggs until white and fluffy. Mix wellall ingredients, put into a baking pan. Bake at medium for 40 min. Servewith sour cream.
Serves 4
Carb (g) 4.6
Rich in Potassium, Phosphorus,Riboflavin,Thiamine
Related Resources:
| Lamb Chektyrma. A Mid-Asian Soup Recipe
| Onion Soup, Low Carb Recipe
| Lamb Shorba. A low Carb Recipe
| Low Carb Article Archive
| South Beach Diet Recipe - Oriental Cabbage Salad
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