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Low Carb Diet Cheating

“All the books and websites say "DON'T EVER CHEAT" but that's just not real world. It will and does happen from time to time. I love sushi; I can't give that up for the rest of my life. I supplement with sashimi, but on rare occasions I'd like to enjoy the rice. And I love to go to Panera for soup and a piece of French bread. I can't imagine giving that up forever and ever. What if I cheat?”

It’s a holiday and you are at the company picnic, or you’re having dinner at a friend’s home – what do you do to minimize the amount of damage you’ve done with a meal gone haywire? Will that donut or piece of cake destroy everything you’ve worked for?

Some people allow for an occasionally planned cheat. In fact, the Carbohydrate Addict’s low carb diet by Dr. Heller allows relaxing the diet one day each week. Instead of binging, they allow themselves one serving of a food generally off-limits. Having an occasional planned "cheat" can be psychologically beneficial as long as you don't do it too often. If you commit to a new lifestyle, this eating plan will last longer than the few months it takes to reach your ideal weight.

On the other hand, some people can’t cheat, because they will derail their entire plan. “I found in the past, that when I cheat for a full day or even for one meal, it makes it much easier to cheat again. It usually starts a string of cheats and/or a weight gain that I have to work hard to get off just to get back to where I was.”

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