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Fast Weight Loss Diets: Which Ones Actually Work? And Which Ones Are Guaranteed To Leave You Fatter?

As you sit there reading this I know what you think of diets...and quite frankly you're right, there is way too much blah blah on diets now. Are you confused on who to listen to and what to eat? And do you just want to know what actually works? Well, join the queue.

Here it is a strike at the diets, which have struck you and your wallet in the past. At the risk of upsetting others in the industry it is time to make a stand.

Diets put additional strain on your body, cause people to regain more weight than they actually lost previously and develop nutritional deficiencies just to name a few side effects.

It's time for an independent view of the major diets including starvation, very low calorie diets, commercial and low calorie meal substitutes, commercially prepared food, detox diets and low carbohydrate diets.

Starvation is a good way to lose weight right? No, starvation diets are a major concern because a severe reduction in energy, vitamins and nutrients can cause permanent damage to the body. The subconscious mind will perceive it as a time of famine and will go into starvation mode, your metabolism will slow to conserve energy, and thus calories are burned at a much slower rate. These diets often lead to people feeling fatigued, angry and frustrated which can often see a yo-yo effect when combined with binge eating.

How about very low calorie diets in the form of liquid shakes? Well, the benefit of these diets is that they can support fast weight loss for those with a lot of weight to lose but they are generally low in dietary fibre and can be lacking in essential nutrients. And if I hear you saying I don't care about fibre and nutrients I want weight lost fast, well consider this - studies have also shown that weight loss achieved while following a low calorie liquid diet plan is very rarely lasting.

Do commercial low calorie meal substitutes seem appealing? They can offer a calorie controlled nutritionally complete plan, which in the short term is easy to follow and remove decision anxiety over what to eat. One problem is they get boring very quickly and hence unlikely to be sustained.

You have seen the wide range of pre-prepared meals available right? Some of these meals are healthy choices providing a balance of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre. The advantage of these meals is that they offer set portions and nutritional information. However, they do not teach habits for long term weight control on how to eat and plan.

Thinking of detoxing? Detox diets claim to make us feel better and reduce weight. These diets are often nutritionally inadequate which is of concern if the diet is followed for long or frequent periods. Weight loss is often promoted, however, there is no real evidence to suggest that weight loss is due to anything other than reduced calorie intake.

Let's not forget Hollywood's favourite - low carbohydrate diets. Low carb diets will produce initial weight loss but if you are cutting out carbohydrates remember that you are virtually cutting out an entire food group. Carbohydrates provide the body with the fuel it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function. Carbohydrate rich foods are also rich sources of vitamins and minerals

So are you now thinking well what do I eat?

It is time for a paradigm shift. One can, you know lose weight by adding food as opposed to taking away. Rather than cutting out carbohydrates completely, there is better evidence to support the benefit of modifying the type of carbohydrates in our diet by adding low GI foods to our meals.

Low GI foods slowly release sugar into the blood, providing you with a steady supply of energy, leaving you feeling satisfied longer so that you're less likely to snack. Foods with a low GI value include apples, porridge, wholemeal spaghetti and chickpeas. The drawback is it is hard to know which foods are low GI and there is a trap for beginners as some low GI foods are high in fat.

It's a great thing to want to get to your ideal body weight. Drop diets and pick up low GI live food. Get educated on what are low GI foods and to get you started one simplified rule is the closer to nature the better".

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