Facing is the direction in which you are looking. It is determined by the position of your body relative to the horizon. When you are facing north, you are looking towards the North Pole. When you are facing south, you are looking towards the South Pole.
Heading is the direction in which you are moving. It is determined by the direction of your velocity vector. When you are heading north, you are moving towards the North Pole. When you are heading south, you are moving towards the South Pole.
Your facing and heading can be different from each other. For example, you can be facing north while heading south. This can happen if you are walking in a circle.
To determine your facing, you can use a compass. A compass is a device that points to the North Pole. When you point the needle of a compass at the North Pole, the other end of the needle will point south.
To determine your heading, you can use a GPS device. A GPS device uses satellites to determine your location and speed. It can then calculate your heading based on your speed and direction of travel.
Knowing how to face and head is important for navigation. It will help you to stay on track and reach your destination.
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