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Tips You Need To Know If You Have Sleep Apnea

TIP! Many people find that using a mouth guard while sleeping helps their sleep apnea. Guards such as these were designed for someone who suffers with sleep apnea.

Anything that disturbs your sleep may be considered a nightmare, however, sleep apnea is possibly the worst. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to both improve your condition and sleep better. This advice will help you sleep at night.

TIP! To fight sleep apnea, try to eat a healthy diet. Normally people are quite surprised to learn that unhealthy eating is a major source of their sleep apnea.

A common reason that people have sleep apnea is due to the extra pounds on their bodies. If this is the case, a sleep apnea sufferer should try to lose weight. These people should set themselves up with a weight-loss plan that involves exercise and calorie reduction. Restricting carbohydrates has shown to be a big help in losing weight.

TIP! Sleep apnea generally is diagnosed by studying your medical and family history and having a thorough physical exam. In addition, sleep studies could be performed.

Believe it or not, wind instruments can help you deal with your sleep apnea. Research done by specialists in Germany indicates you can train your muscles in the upper airway by playing the didgeridoo. These are the muscles that control airway dilatation and airway wall rigidity. Therefore, you should regularly play these instruments due to the fact that they decrease your sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! Avoid sleeping pills when you find out you realize you are diagnosed with sleep apnea. Sleeping pills relax throat muscles to the degree that they no longer properly function.

Eating healthier foods can help you deal with sleep apnea. Not everyone equates bad and good food with sleep apnea, but many people have found out that it does play a role. It’s been proven that poor diets can contribute to the severity of sleep apnea.

TIP! If you suffer from sleep apnea and have a problem with your mouth opening while sleeping with your CPAP, a chin strap may be able to help. This little piece of fabric holds your chin upright when sleeping so that your mouth remains closed.

If you do not have a partner to let you know how you sleep at night, it can be difficult to assess if you have sleep apnea. You can always set up a camcorder to make a video of a typical night’s sleep. Your video needs to have audio as well because the doctors will want to hear any noises you make.

TIP! If you suffer from sleep apnea and are planning a trip, it is important to plan on taking your CPAP machine with you. The effectiveness of the CPAP depends on nightly use, and if you have sleep apnea, it is essential to not miss even one night.

During times that are busy and stressful, everyone needs plenty of energy to get through their days. You shouldn’t bow down to sleep apnea or let it get in your way. These tips can definitely help you.

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