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Lose Weight And Keep It Off!

You know all the infomercials you see on TV promising weight loss if you just take this shake or you just need to use this equipment for only 5 mins a day and you'll lose loads of weight? Well guess what, as tempting as this is, the only thing you will lose is your hard earned money. The only way to lose weight is to exercise right and eat wholesome food. Yep its that simple.

It is important to eat regularly throughout the day. So many people start the beginning of the week by going on a starvation diet and skipping meals only to 'break' their diet by midweek, getting stressed and disappointed along the way. Not only does it not work it will only slow down your metabolism which will make it harder and harder to lose weight in the future.

It is so important that you eat breakfast every day. This is definitely not a meal to skip and when breakfast preparation is probably the easiest of all the meals why would you? Toast and coffee is not the answer either! Try oats, fruit, yoghurt, eggs, wholegrain cereal, baked beans. There are so many fast and fabulous options. Just be sure to avoid most breakfast cereals as they usually contain loads of sugar - check out the nutrition panel if not sure.

It is important to get a variety of nutrients at each meal. You should include protein, carbohydrates and "good' fats at every meal. When eating vegetables makes sure you choose a variety of coloured vegetable to ensure a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Include weight training as part of your routine. This is essential for both men and women and the most effective method of losing weight because the more lean muscle you have the faster and more efficient your metabolism. It is also essential for improving your bone mineral density which deteriorates as we get older leading to brittle bones.

Cardio training is really anything that makes you huff and puff. It is essential for your heart and lung health and is a great way to get those feel good endorphins happening. There is no value to doing endless hours of cardio hoping for weight loss. Instead incorporate interval training into your routine for better fat loss.

Dont get too wound up wondering what type of exercises to do. Any exercise of course is better than no exercise. It really is worthwhile though hiring a training initially to set you on the right path to choosing the best exercises for your body and fitness and weight loss goals. A trainer will actually help you save time and money in the end and get you on the right track.

Simplicity as in most things is the way to go if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life. Dont be hooked into fake promises that will only rob you of your money. Instead, eat healthy unprocessed foods and include daily exercise and you will be well on your way of having a fantastic energized body, for life!
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