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How to Lose Weight Fast and Healthy

Everywhere you look today, someone has the diet to end all diets. Lose fifty pounds by the end of the week; the only side effect is you may get a catastrophic illness. To many times people who are desperate to shed weight whether it be a little or a lot are drawn into these fad diet plans. There is a better healthier way to achieve your weight loss goals.

Internal Dialogue:
The first thing you must do is shut the derogatory comments down, even the ones you say in your head that no one else ever hears. You know the kind of things I am talking about, the I am to fat, and I am ugly. The list goes on and on doesn't it? It is a proven fact that the human brain is less inclined to act on negative stimulus, we need to think on positive things to get us motivated. Call out things you like about your appearance and ignore the things you do not. This exercise is so important that if you just cannot look in the mirror and be kind to yourself you need to take the mirror down! Yep, you heard right do not look in it again until you can say something positive! (Ok you may need to brush your hair in the mirror but do it quickly)

Changing Habits:
The next key to weight loss success will entail changing your habits. Like anything else, you can do this gradually or completely cold turkey. Lets look at both approaches to changing your diet:

Cold Turkey:
This is an all out war on bad habits! Go to the kitchen and get a garbage bag or a donation box. You are going to clean out every bit of junk food in your refrigerator and cabinets. Throw away or donate the cookies, chips, and snack cakes, as well as the ingredients to make any of the above. You thought you were going to slip those chocolate chips by didnt you? We could go on a long time about what constitutes junk food but lets just say anything high in sugar, sodium and hydrogenated oils has to go. Now once this painful procedure is over take it straight to the garbage or donate it to a local shelter, whatever you do, get it out of the house now. And no snacking on the way! When you have replaced these items with fruits and vegetables, you can move on.

Rome was not built in a day and you did not get over weight in a day, therefore it will not be undone that easily either. The gradual approach is one that takes a lot of discipline and is in fact harder than cold turkey in some ways. What you need to do in this case is to diligently begin taking one item of junk food after another out of your diet and replacing it with something else. Nature abhors a vacuum so do not just take something away.

A good first step is to give up soda pop if you drink them, they are loaded with calories and sodium and many people lose weight just by dropping them. Replace soda with Gatorade or even tea anything to get the caloric intake down. Now precede day-by-day eliminating and replacing until you are eating a healthy diet.

That is a dirty word to some people but I promise you friend you are never going to lose weight if you do not get off the couch and move. Start by walking a little everyday and increase until you are walking a lot or feel good enough for aerobic exercise. The main point is not so much, what you do in the beginning but that you keep increasing the amount of exercise you are getting.


That is a basic start to losing weight if you combine the efforts of exercise and diet with some good vitamins and herbal supplements like ginko and Vitamin C you will see results even faster.
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