There are many myths that are associated to weight loss. People are backing up their claims with studies and lofty names. But the sad truth is that many are just dragged into an abyss of yet another marketing strategy.
Losing weight tip #1: Less is best.
Surely this is vague enough for people to understand. But less of what? That is the major debate. The answer to this is less of anything frozen, processed and unnatural. Whole is good. Repeat it until you believe it. The less tampered, sweetened and processed something is, the better it is for you.
Losing weight tip #2: Be Fruitarian.
Claims that this is the only truly non-toxic diet can be subject to preference. For someone who has eaten meat for most of their lives, people are just not that willing to give it up. Perhaps increasing consumption of fruits that are both organic and in season is a great effort. Slowly but surely, one's taste buds would be accustomed to something that is grown that something that is raised.
Losing weight tip #3: The reward and punishment system works.
Most people are guilty of believing this. They think that if they slip a little they can make up by upping their exercise routine the next time they do it. They think that one cookie won't ruin them. But it is the small slip-ups that actually show the level of discipline a person has. One burger can lead their taste buds back to its meat frenzy. It would be like taking one step forward and then taking two back. Sticking to eating naturally is very hard since it is often costlier than just ordering take-out. But the trip to the market might just be the fifteen minutes of walking that one needs to take in that day.
Losing weight tip #4: Exercising alone is not effective.
This one is really subject to preference. But for most people it is easier to have a "spotter" or a trainer. But this would be detrimental if the spotter friend gets a different routine or metabolism. The hit on a person's self-esteem can be great when the same routine doesn't seem to work as fast with their body type compared to their friend. Having to rely on a trainer for motivation might not be good in the long run. A person needs to have intrinsic motivation to be able to continue with any activity. Hearing that you need to do something is different from being personally sure that it is something that works for you. It is your body after all so once you have accustomed yourself to listening to it you would know when what you are doing actually helps or not.
Losing weight tip #5: Water, water everywhere.
Hydration is something people are a bit confused with. There is no alternative to water. Water is water. It is not soda, coffee or fruit juices. It is just plain old water. Depending on how hot it is where you live, drink up to eight glasses a day. See how it feels not to confuse the bodies need to drink over actual hunger.
Whatever it is that one chooses to believe, it is up to a person's self-control how their weight would fluctuate. A tip is just advice; the rest is up to you.
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