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Mind Blowing Simple Tips!

These days everyone either wants to lose weight quick or know how to keep it off permanently...

If you are like me, searching for tips on how to lose weight quick, you are in luck:

Have a clear short-term goal.
Losing weight is not as challenging as many people think it is. The answer is to know precisely what you want to achieve and to set a realistic and attainable goal for yourself. You should always start with the end picture in mind and work backwards from there.

You need to see in your mind's eye how you would feel once you have reached your goal. What would you do differently? What clothes would you wear? Keep reminding yourself by asking these simple question to yourself in order to strengthen your desired outcome.

Try to be realistic with how you want to lose weight quick, and how much weight you want to lose. There is no point in saying you want to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks. You know as well as anyone you are setting yourself up to fail. 10 Pounds in 5 weeks is much more realistic and much easier to do. That's only 2 pounds per week if you think about it! Does that sound a lot easier?

Processed foods.
If your looking to poison your own body, processed food is the way to go. And yes, this includes those quick and easy take away meals and even some foods you buy at the local supermarket. Most things that come in a box can be classified as processed and is generally not good for you. What you need is natural or organic food. Fruit and vegetables are the obvious way to go. So rather than trying to eat less, substitute the type of food you eat...

Change your eating schedule.
I know quite a few people who never eat breakfast. Some even skip lunch as well! They then stuff themselves by dinner time. Not a healthy option if you want to lose weight quick!

The goal here is to try and have small snacks throughout the day, every 2 to 3 hours if possible. This keeps your metabolism going right through the day so your body won't try and store fat because it thinks you are starving due to a shortage of food...

Water helps to cleanse your body by removing toxins which will help to boost your metabolic rate, which in turn will help you lose weight quick.

I personally hate carrying a large bottle of water with me during the day! Try using a small bottle that you can refill two or three times during the day. It's a mental thing, trust me!?

Tying it all together.
There are many more tips and advice on how to lose weight quick. The best advice I could give would be to start with a simple but proven weight loss program that does not only focus on exercises, but also the nutritional side of dieting. This is very important and often overlooked by people looking to lose weight quick.

Don't make the same mistake because you will not succeed! A perfect balance between exercise and nutrition is key and will give you lasting results while enjoying the journey.
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