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Tips That Can Help You Lose Weight Quick And Easy

Have you been trying to lose weight? Weight loss is on everyone's mind these days. However, most people lose hope midway that they cannot lose weight. This is because they don't know the right formula to achieve their fitness goal. Here are some easy weight loss tips that will ensure that you can lose weight in a healthy way:

1. Calculate the amount of calories to be eaten per day: Calories are the first thing you should take care of when deciding to lose weight. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is what you need to calculate in order to know how many calories you should consume per day. The formula for calculating BMR = Body Weight [lb] X 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] X 3.5). Since you want to lose weight, you will have to deduct 500kcal from the result you get. Next day eat the calories you have calculated and you will be able to lose 1lb per week.

2. Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables you eat: Fruits and vegetables give you the beneficial vitamins, antioxidants and fibers for your body. They contain low amount of calories but give you the feeling of being full faster.

3. Keep a check on the portion size: When you eat one serving of pasta, it is cup of cooked pasta. But a point to remember here is that most restaurants serve you 4 servings when you order pasta. Do not clean the dish if that is the case. Bring the leftover home to eat later.

4. Do not skip any meal: Eat 3 regular meals in a day and 2 snacks. 5 small meals at frequent intervals and it will help balance your blood sugar level and maintain your calorie intake.

5. Don't be too strict on yourself: There are times when you will be craving to eat a chocolate or a pastry. Do not kill your craving because then you will not be able to stick to your diet for long. You will stop believing that you can lose weight. Have a bite once in a while but make sure you don't make it a habit or eat too much.

6. Keep a journal: Maintain a food journal in which you will record your eating patterns. This will make it easier for you to know which eating patterns were better for your diet. You will also have the chance of getting expert opinion on your diet from the dietician.

All the weight loss tips mentioned in this article will not take up much of your time and ensure that you lose weight in a safe and healthy manner.
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