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Easy Weight Loss - Lose Fat Fast With Five Practical Tips

If you're tired of complex diet plans here's how to lose weight fast with these five simple and practical tips.

1. Eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day

Not only do fruits and vegetables fill you up, they also supply vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to improve your health.

Don't juice the fruits and vegetables -- if you eat them as-is, you will add fiber to your diet and the bulk will fill you up, staving off hunger pangs.

Here's how to add your five servings to your meal plan for the day:

* eat a banana with your breakfast cereal;

* take a salad to work with you;

* eat an apple at lunch;

* have a fruit salad in mid-afternoon;

* steam some vegetables to eat with your dinner;

* have a snack of fruit and cheese at any time during the day.

2. Eat five small meals a day

Yes that's right. Eat more often to lose weight. If you have five small meals a day, you'll be eating every two or three hours. You won't have time to get seriously hungry. And there's less chance that you'll tempted to snack on fast food.

In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner, add two snack meals. You can have your snacks either during the day, or in the evening before you go to sleep.

3. Buy fresh food - avoid as many processed foods as possible

Avoid processed and pre-cooked foods. It's easy to steam some chicken or fish and prepare a salad when you get home from work. Preparing a quick meal from scratch in this way takes no longer than buying junk food.

4. Make exercise part of your day

No time for exercise? Exercise is vital and you must make time for it during your day. The best time to exercise is as soon as you get out of bed in the morning. Get up an hour earlier, have a walk, and then come back and go on with your day.

You will feel great, and your exercise will be done for the day.

You can also opt for exercise during your lunch break. Just take a quick walk and have another walk when you get home from work.

No one is too busy to exercise. If you don't exercise you will become ill, so exercise is essential.

5. Create a diet journal

What did you eat for breakfast and lunch today? Did you have a snack? If you can't remember, you need a diet journal. A diet journal helps you to keep track of what you eat and when you eat it. You can keep your diet journal simply on index cards, or on a computer program.

If you have a lot of weight to lose its worth buying a notebook just to function as your diet journal. Take the notebook everywhere with you and write down everything that you eat. Your diet journal will help you to lose pounds. If you are feeling that you're not making progress, just look through your diet journal and you will see that you are.

Losing weight is a process, and you can make the process easy when you follow these five practical tips. Start today.
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