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wikiHow to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise

Exercising on a regular basis is a great way to help you lose weight. However, exercise alone cannot result in significant weight loss in short periods of time. There is no trick to lose weight quickly - especially since it's typically not considered safe or healthy. However, adding in certain forms of exercise can help support healthy weight loss. Some studies have shown that a combination of interval training, cardio exercises and weight training can help you lose weight. In addition, pairing your exercise routine with a nutritious and balanced diet can also help speed weight loss.

Method 1 Including High-Intensity Exercises

  1. 1 Do 1-3 days of high intensity exercises or interval training. Try to rework your exercise plan if you workout at a moderate intensity or are only doing steady-state cardio for your workouts.
    • Higher intensity exercises and interval training have been shown to help support weight loss better than steady-state cardio.[1] Including a few days of higher intensity exercises can help your body burn more calories and more fat per exercise session.
    • If you are unsure of what pace you're maintaining, judge by how well you are able to keep up a conversation. If you can talk with ease, it is low intensity, if you find a little trouble catching your breath while talking, then you are most likely at a moderate pace. If you cannot say short sentences without taking a breath, you are at a high intensity.
    • Interval training specifically, is a combination between both moderate intensity exercises and high intensity exercises. The combination of the two helps your body burn more fat and increases your metabolic rate several hours after your workout is over.[2]
  2. 2 Design your own interval training routine. You can do interval training at home or at the gym. Designing your own plan will allow you to have more flexibility and control your overall intensity.
    • Jump rope. Try to jump for 1 to 2 minutes in a row, and then take a rest at a low to moderate pace. Try to do 2 to 5 periods of jumping rope per day.
    • Climb stairs or hills. Find a long flight of stairs or hill, such as a stadium or a hiking trail. Walk quickly or run, then walk down to rest, repeating 2 to 5 times.
    • Do mountain climbers. Get into a plank position and bring your knees into your chest 1 at a time. Do it as quickly as possible for 1 to 2 minutes.
    • Sprint between periods of jogging or walking. Try sprinting for 1-2 minutes followed by a moderate-paced jog for 3-5 minutes.
  3. 3 Include high intensity cardio classes. Instead of designing your own high intensity or interval program, many gyms offer classes that are designed around high intensity exercises and interval training.
    • Going to these classes may be easier and more fun as you're working out with other people. You may also feel more motivated if you're trying to keep up with others.
    • Do boxing or kickboxing classes. In addition to a higher calorie burn, kick boxing offers a variety of other benefits including: toning your entire body, helps reduce stress and boosts confidence.[3]
    • Try a spin class. These indoor cycling classes are great for any fitness level - you control the resistance and speed of your workout. In addition, one spin class torches about 500 calories a session plus tones your glutes, thighs and calves.[4]
    • Try HIIT classes. Doing HIIT workouts alone can be difficult - especially finding one that fit's your fitness level. Many gyms offer classes that focus solely on different types of interval training. In addition, they show moves for a variety of fitness levels.

Method 2 Fitting In Other Forms of Exercise

  1. 1 Include steady-state aerobic activity. In addition to higher intensity exercise or interval training, there is steady state cardio. These types of exercises have additional health benefits and can also help support weight loss.
    • Steady state cardio is any aerobic activity that you do at a moderate-intensity pace for at least 30 minutes and you maintain your pace throughout your entire workout.
    • Steady-state burns fewer calories than a HIIT workout, but is much easier on your body overall.[5]
    • In general, try to include 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio most days of the week. Studies have shown that the fastest weight loss through exercise requires almost an hour of moderate intensity exercise per day.[6]
    • If you have not worked out in a long time, ease into your workouts. Do 30 minute to 45 minute workouts every other day for 2 weeks to decrease your risk of injury. As your body gets used to workout sessions, you can expand them for faster weight loss.
    • Some aerobic activities you can try include: jogging, swimming, hiking, using the elliptical machine, dancing or doing aerobic classes.
  2. 2 Include 1-3 days of weight training each week. In addition to cardio-based exercises, it's also important to include a few days of strength training during the week.
    • Although strength training exercises do not burn many calories alone, they can help build lean muscle mass which can help increase your body's ability to burn more calories at rest.[7]
    • Try body weight exercises. If you don't have access to a gym or weight lifting equipment, try adding resistance training by doing body weight exercises. Try: push-ups, crunches, lunges or squats to help build muscle.
    • Do a combination of weight machines and free weights. Using free weights, machines or TRX bands at your local gym or home allows you to do a bigger variety of weight lifting exercises.
    • Alternate muscle groups. Regardless of what type of weight training you do, it's ideal to take rest days in between strength training workouts or at least rest and alternate between muscle groups.
  3. 3 Increase lifestyle activity. Baseline or lifestyle activity is another area you can boost your overall calorie burn and support your weight loss. Increase daily activities to help you burn more calories.
    • Lifestyle or baseline activities are those you already do on a typical day. These can include: walking to and from your car, taking the stairs, mopping the floors, gardening or vacuuming. All of these activities burn calories and can add up to be a significant amount at the end of the day.
    • Try moving more or taking more steps throughout the day. Think about how you could be more active. Even adding a little activity of the course of the day can help support weight loss.
    • Commute by walking, jogging or biking. Replacing a vehicle commute even a couple days per week will help you to lose weight more quickly.
    • Plan active family or personal time during nights and weekends. Avoid the trap of sitting at work and sitting at home.
    • Buy a pedometer. Make sure you are getting the recommended 10,000 steps in during the course of your normal day. Workout sessions in addition to weight loss will ensure you drop weight quickly.

Method 3 Supporting Weight Loss with Diet & Lifestyle

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor. Whenever you're trying to lose weight or are considering taking up additional physical activity, it's always a good idea to get in touch with your general physician.
    • Talk to your doctor about your desire for weight loss. Ask him/her whether or not he/she thinks weight loss is safe and appropriate for you. Also ask how much weight you should lose or what a target weight should be.
    • Also inform him/her about the type, intensity and amount of physical activity you're considering adding to your daily routine. Make sure this is also safe for you.
    • In addition, if you ever feel pain, shortness of breath or any discomfort while exercising, discontinue immediately and get in contact with your doctor.
  2. 2 Cut calories. Although exercise can burn off a significant amount of calories, the best method for weight loss is a combination of a lower calorie diet and physical activity together.[8]
    • It's typically recommended to only cut out about 500 calories daily from your diet. You'll lose about 1-2 pounds per week if you cut out this many calories.[9]
    • If you're exercising a lot and including higher intensity exercises, be careful not to cut out too many calories. You'll need the energy to help support higher levels of physical activity.
  3. 3 Maintain a balanced diet. In addition to managing calories, strive to have a nutritious and well-balanced diet. This will also help support weight loss.
    • A balanced diet means that you're eating the right amounts of foods from every food group each day. In addition, you should be eating a large variety of foods from within each food group.
    • Include a 3-4 oz serving of lean protein at every meal. Go for leaner protein like poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy and legumes for lower calorie options.[10]
    • Also aim for 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.[11][12] These low-calorie foods can bulk up your meals and help you feel satisfied with less calories.
    • Go for a 1/2 cup or 1 oz serving 100% whole grains when possible.[13] These are more nutritious than refined grains. However, some studies show that diets that are lower in carbs from foods like grains result in quicker weight loss.[14]
  4. 4 Drink adequate fluids. Staying properly hydrated is very important - especially if you're exercising a lot and trying to lose weight. Ensure you stay hydrated throughout your weight loss.
    • In addition to keeping you hydrated, water can help manage your hunger and appetite throughout the day.
    • To stay adequately hydrated, you'll need to drink between 8-13 glasses of water daily.[15] If you're exercising intensely or frequently you may need closer to 13 glasses to replace fluids lost through sweat.
    • Not all fluids count towards your water goal. Only caffeine free, no calorie fluids will count. Try: water, flavored water, decaf coffee and decaf tea.
  5. 5 Get enough sleep. In addition to diet and exercise, make sure you get enough sleep each night. This helps your body recovery, rest and supports weight loss.[16]
    • Adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night.[17] It's important to try to go to bed earlier or wake up later in order to get this amount in each night.
    • When you don't sleep well or do not get enough sleep each night, your body produces more hunger hormones. The next day your stomach tells you you're hungry which could cause you to eat more.[18]
    • In addition, you may find yourself craving high fat, high carb foods. These may be higher in calories and also prevent or slow weight loss.

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