The Strength Plan: Workout A
1. Hip drop
Firms: Front and side abs
Lie facedown, balancing on elbows, forearms, and toes; abs tight.
Slow It Down: Twist to right and lower right hip to floor in 4 counts. (Keep back straight.) Raise to start position in 2 counts. Repeat to left. Do 8 to 10 times each side.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Do 12 to 15 times each side.
2. Beach Ball Hug
Firms: Chest, abs, hips
Lie faceup, dumbbells above chest, elbows slightly bent, palms in. Raise left leg so shin is parallel to floor.
Slow It Down: Lower arms out to sides in 4 counts as you straighten left leg, keeping foot off floor. In 2 counts, pull knee back in and raise arms, squeezing chest muscles as if you're hugging a beach ball. Do 6 times; repeat with right leg.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Raise both feet off floor.
3. Full-body roll-up
Firms: Abs
Lie faceup, legs extended, arms overhead, palms facing each other. Raise arms toward feet; pull abs in; roll head, shoulders, and back off floor; and reach toward toes in 4 counts.
Slow It Down: Roll back down to floor one vertebrae at a time, taking about 6 to 8 counts to lower.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Hold a light weight (2 to 3 pounds) in both hands.
4. Breast stroke
Firms: Upper and middle back
Lie facedown, arms extended overhead, palms facing in. Lift head and arms off floor and hold for 2 counts. Lift chest a few inches off floor and swim arms out to sides and down toward legs (thumbs toward floor) in 2 counts. (Keep abs tight, toes on floor.)
Slow It Down: Lower chest and bend arms, bringing them along body back to start position in 4 counts. Do 8 to 10 times.
Make It Harder (Week 2): As you lift chest and swim arms, raise both feet off floor, then lower.
5. Read the paper
Firms: Front and side abs
Sit with knees bent, heels on floor, arms in front of body, as if holding a closed newspaper.
Slow It Down: Roll back halfway down to floor and twist to left in 4 counts, as if opening the paper on left side. Pull yourself up to start position in 2 counts. Repeat on right side. Do 8 to 12 times per side.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Hold a light weight (2 to 3 pounds) in each hand.
The Strength Plan: Workout B
1. Plie with biceps curl
Firms: Biceps, glutes, quads, inner thighs
Stand with feet wide, toes out, dumbbells by thighs, palms forward. Bend knees and lower for 2 counts, as you curl weights toward shoulders. Slow It Down: Squeeze glutes and inner thighs as you stand up and straighten arms in 4 counts. Do 8 to 12 times.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Use heavier weights.
2. Forward Lunge and Raise the Roof
Firms: Shoulders, core, butt, quads
Stand with feet together, dumbbells overhead, palms forward.
Slow It Down: Step right foot forward and bend both knees as you lower weights toward shoulders in 4 counts. (Keep right knee over ankle.) Stand up to start position, pressing weights overhead in 2 counts. Do 8 to 12 times; switch legs.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Swing left knee forward to hip height as you stand up.
3. Squat With Straight-Arm Pressback
Firms: Shoulders, arms, glutes, quads
Stand with feet about 4 inches apart, dumbbells at sides, palms facing behind you.
Slow It Down: Sit back, keeping weight over heels, as arms swing forward toward knees for 4 counts. Stand up in 2 counts while pressing weights behind you. Do 8 to 12 times.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Lift left leg back and squeeze glutes as you stand; switch legs halfway through set.
4. Tip it Over
Firms: Arms, butt, hamstrings
Stand with dumbbell in left hand at side, right hand on chair for balance.
Slow It Down: Keeping spine straight and abs tight, lean forward in 4 counts, and lower left arm while lifting left leg. Stand up in 2 counts, while doing a biceps curl and raising left knee in front. Do 8 times; switch sides.
Make It Harder (Week 2): Use a heavier weight and skip the chair.
5. Curtsy Lat Raise
Firms: Shoulders, butt, outer thighs, quads
Stand with feet together, dumbbells at sides, palms in.
Slow It Down: Cross right leg behind left, bend knees, and lower as you raise right arm out to side in 4 counts. (Keep left knee over ankle and facing forward.) Stand up to start position and lower arm in 2 counts. Do 8 to 12 times; switch sides.
Make It Harder (Week 2): As you stand up, lift right leg out to side.
The Cardio Plans
Speed Ladder
This challenging exercise routine features intervals that get increasingly harder but shorter, followed by brief recovery periods.
Activity (Speed*)
How It Feels
Warm-up (3.0 mph)
4Breathing harder; can speak in full sentences
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
Slightly breathless; can still speak in full sentences
Brisk walk (3.75 mph)
Somewhat breathless; can speak in short sentences only
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
Power walk (4.0 mph)
Mostly breathless; can speak in phrases only
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
Fast walk (4.5 mph)
Breathless; can speak just a few words at a time
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
Speed walk or jog (5.0 mph)
Very breathless; can't speak
Cool-down (3.0 mph)
Breathing slows
*These are suggested speeds only and may not be appropriate for everyone. The right speed for you should be based on intensity recommendations and how you feel.
**Based on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being as easy as lounging on the couch and 10 as hard as sprinting to catch a bus as it pulls away
Power Walk
This cardio routine is a great way to build endurance while burning calories. (Avoid injury by steering clear of these 10 common walking mistakes.)
Activity (Speed*)
How It Feels
Warm-up (3.0 mph)
Breathing harder; can speak in full sentences
Power walk (3.5-4.0 mph)
Somewhat breathless; can speak in short sentences only
Cool-down (3.0 mph)
Breathing slows
*These are suggested speeds only and may not be appropriate for everyone. The right speed for you should be based on intensity recommendations and how you feel.
**Based on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being as easy as lounging on the couch and 10 as hard as sprinting to catch a bus as it pulls away
*Adapted from 2-Week Total Body Turnaround by Chris Freytag with Alyssa Shaffer and the editors of Prevention