5 Steps To Flatter Abs
If you’re like a lot of people you’ve worked hard for years to attain a leaner, flatter, toned stomach. Have you been on crazy diets and done tons of crunches, or maybe even considered lipo? All for the sake of that glorious, flatter, toned and tight tummy?
Here are just a few of the reasons for a flabby tummy:
Pregnancy – Having gone through three pregnancies and gaining a significant amount of weight each time, this has always been one of my biggest obstacles.
Age – Starting in our 30‘s our metabolism slows down.
Stress – Stress and lack of sleep elevate cortisol levels which leads to excess fat around the middle. (Check, this applies to me, also).
Hormones – For both men and women this can be an issue.
Not enough exercise – You’ve got to stoke that metabolism to burn that belly fat.
Poor nutrition – Eating too much junk and not enough healthy, whole foods.
1. Cardio Exercise –
Warm up for several minutes then move into at least 30-45 minutes of cardio (biking, hiking, power walking, jogging, running, aerobics class, etc.) Start at a comfortable pace but when you’re ready push yourself past your comfort zone. This means you’ve got to break a sweat, get your heart-rate up, release those feel-good endorphins, dig deeper! Once you’re able to do 30 minutes without feeling overwhelmed, up the intensity. On a scale of 1-10 (1 sitting watching tv and 10 being ready to pass out from exhaustion) you want to be around 7-8. To shed fat you’ve got to step up your game!
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My personal favorite Cardio:
Kickboxing! This is popular with both men and women and has the added benefits of improving power, balance and coordination. Kickboxing helps work out stresses and frustration, enhances confidence and burns a ton of calories. The moves also target multiple muscle groups, especially the core.
2. Ab Work –
The basic crunch is a great place to start. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet shoulder width apart. Place hands behind your ears, but don’t hold onto or pull on the neck. Keep your eyes focused up to the ceiling, elbows wide and slowly raise your shoulders off the ground. Exhale as you come up, pulling your belly button down toward your spine, engaging the abs. Inhale as you come down, keeping abs tight. Start by doing 20-30 with a short break in between. Aim for 3-4 sets.
More Advanced:
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