The metabolism or digestive system is the engine room of your body that converts what you eat into the energy your body uses to function. It also houses 70% of your immune system, which is your body’s first line of defence from harmful bacteria, viruses and poisonous substances. Your digestive tract is full of nerve endings. This is significant because what you think sends messages via the central nervous system to your gut. These feelings will either motivate you or demotivate you.
With all these important duties it should be no surprise that if your metabolism isn’t working efficiently you’ll feel sluggish, gain weight, lack motivation and be more susceptible to illness.
Aligning your metabolism with nature’s cycles.
Your metabolism is linked with nature’s rhythms via an internal body clock. Think of your metabolism like a miniature sun. At sunrise it is waking up, it gathers momentum and is at its peak at midday, then glides gently into sunset slowing down and resting. Now relate this to the modern lifestyle pattern of a late breakfast or no breakfast at all, a late lunch and a large dinner at night. With this eating pattern you are eating most of your food in a slow metabolising cycle. Your body will work hard to digest the food and you may wake up feeling very sluggish and tired.
By changing when you eat and what you eat you can align your digestive system with nature’s rhythms. When your body clock is in balance with nature’s rhythms your metabolism speeds up, you sleep well, have lots of energy and burn body fat easily. You will naturally feel balanced and healthy.
5 daily practices that will naturally speed up your metabolism
Number 1. Eat breakfast every day
You have been fasting throughout the night so it’s really important to eat breakfast shortly after rising so that your metabolism gets activated. In other words fuel the digestive furnace. If you don’t eat breakfast you will still be fasting and your metabolism will slow down leaving you feeling sluggish. If you skip breakfast and find that you have a headache coming on mid-morning this may be because you have not broken the fast and the subsequent toxins are trying to find a way out of your system.
Number 2. Eat fruit mid-morning
Your digestive furnace starts speeding up around 10am so a fruit meal at this time will process very quickly. Fruit processes in your digestive system faster than any other food, so eating fruit mid-morning is really going to speed up your metabolism. I have often heard from people that about 20 minutes after eating fruit mid-morning they are really hungry. This is a good sign that their metabolism is working efficiently and ready for an early lunch. A fruit meal consisting of two pieces of fruit eaten around 10am is really very simple as fruit is easy to carry with you. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which burns fat so this is a particularly good fruit to eat at this time to burn body fat.
Number 3. If you don’t eat carbohydrates at night you will burn body fat while you sleep
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