Losing weight, for most, is an exercise in futility. For Sarah, it was a particular challenge. She would traipse past the pastry chef’s window and all but lose her composure for the love of a brownie. The sweat would burrow up above her brow and she could feel herself as if easing into a diabetic coma with just the thought of biting into that brownie. Abating the cravings need not be a struggle. In fact, Sarah and all others can employ a simple down to earth solution for diminishing the urge and more easily than ever imagined.
UCLA researchers concluded, after comparing over 31 studies, that dieting simply does not work. In 95 percent of the weight loss efforts reviewed, all of the lost weight was regained. In many instances, more weight was gained back. However, individuals need not live their lives unable to lose the weight they desire. There is hope and there is a viable solution at hand.
Rather than make unnecessary purchases from dieting organizations and weight loss programs, a more effective solution is to consider how long it takes to exercise off the content of that double chocolate chip brownie; how long on the treadmill, on the elliptical, how long of a run or strenuous walk? The question that begs an answer is whether the trade-off is worth it. Is eating the brownie worth 95 minutes of semi-rigorous walking, 45-minutes of biking or 35 minutes of running? The duration also depends on your stature, age, and metabolism.
The amount of exercise needed to fully counter each selection on a restaurant menu has been found to be a more effective tool for customers for choosing the healthier choices. This was compared to restaurants with and without calorie counts provided for each menu item. People were able to make better eating choices when the specific amount of time needed to burn the calories, for example, by walking quickly was listed.
Recent federal legislation, in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has required chain restaurants to now provide the calorie count for each item on the menu. Many restaurants have voluntarily provided this detail. The results have not born out the desired outcome, unfortunately. The purpose in providing this information was to deter individuals from consuming excessively caloric and unhealthy food choices.
Fortunately for you, this is an obtainable goal. If you use these
While it is true that it takes time and patience to lose weight,
Obesity is the condition where a person has excessive deposit or stor
While diet and exercise are the key to successful weight loss, somet
Sometimes its just way more convenient to work out at home instead of
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