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Use This Day by Day Plan to Look Good in Your Swimsuit in Just 5 Days

What could be more refreshing than a slice of watermelon during a hot day? This summer staple is a great treat, but did you know it could hold the secret to weight loss? Healthy servings of watermelon can keep your body trim.

Watermelons are Good for You

Watermelons are part fruit and part vegetable, so you are getting a good dose of both when you choose watermelon. It’s hydrating, too. In fact, watermelon is 91 percent water. It also contains tripterpenoid, a substance that acts as a natural painkiller. In addition, watermelon is packed with vitamins C, B6, and A. You’ll get as much lycopene from watermelon as you’d get from a tomato, and you’ll get your fair share of potassium, too!

The Watermelon Diet

Watermelon is a great weight-loss snack for a few reasons. First, a cup of watermelon contains only 80 calories, none of them being from fat. Watermelon also has fiber that keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Reasearchers from the University of Kentucky and Purdue recently discovered that mice that had watermelon juice added to their diets had an overall lower body weight and gained 30 percent less weight than mice who did not consume watermelon juice. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry published their results. It turns out that the citrulline found in watermelons prevents the accumulation of body fat.

Because if it’s high vitamon content, your body will not be depleted on the watermelon diet, and the water content will keep you from bloating.

How Can I Follow a Watermelon Diet?

Every Day

For every day of the watermelon diet, you will eat a slice of watermelon, a small piece of toast and tea with no sugar.

Make sure to keep yoursself hydrated while you are on this diet. In fact, try to consume 10-12 cups of water each day. Your weight loss will be more rapid if you engage in daily physical activity, such as walking, during the duration of this diet.

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