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Weight Loss Tip #27: Avocados can help you lose weight

avocadosBeing a staple food of the Latin American population, avocados are now gaining acceptance around the world. The creamy fruit, full of fibre and protein provides you ample energy and keeps you satiated for a longer time. Avocados, since they contain folic acid, metabolise proteins which give energy. This assists in providing energy for those heavy workouts in the gym.

As they contain 75% of unsaturated fats, they turn out to be a great substitute for foods with high levels of saturated fats. One cup contains 10g of appetite-curbing fibre which makes them the perfect food to top on salads and burgers or eat straight up as a snack or mini-meal. You can easily find them in supermarkets these days. So eat them or add them to your smoothies and enjoy their healthy goodness. 

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