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Weight Loss Tip #61: Do sit-ups and crunches to lose belly fat


Flat abs is a fitness goal of many people. If you are looking to cut down that extra fat from your belly, start including crunches and sit-ups in your daily exercise regime. These exercises will increase your metabolism and you will eventually end up burning more calories. However, the number of calories you burn will depend on your weight and the intensity of the exercise.

These exercises target the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Sit-ups are a powerful resistance exercise which means that they will help tone your abdominal muscles. Abdominal crunches are designed to target a specific muscle group that is the rectus abdominis. You can include a set or two of 20 crunches daily as a part of your workout routine. One great advantage of abdominal crunches is that they don’t put much stress on the lower back as compared to other abdominal exercises.

Sit-ups and crunches may look simple but need to be done in the right manner for the results to be visible.  Along with these exercises, always remember to take care of your diet to lose fat effectively.

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