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Weight Loss Tip #71- Combine yoga with pilates to lose weight quickly

Yogalates to lose weight

The fusion of yoga with pilates, also known as yogalates, can be a very effective way to lose weight as it can help you burn a lot of calories. You can burn as much as 400-500 calories with just one hour of this workout session. While yoga is good for flexibility, concentration, stamina and mind-body awareness, pilates has muscular skeletal exercises good for postural muscles. This combination workout mostly focuses on your core muscles to tone your body. The yoga and pilates moves can help improve your posture and tone the muscles of your abdomen, both of which will contribute to giving you a leaner look. Furthermore, combining yoga with pilates will improve your metabolism and strengthen your body, preparing it for more dynamic calorie burn workouts. The workout will also engage muscles of your hamstrings, butt and pelvic areas, giving you a slimmer lower body. It can be an ideal weight loss workout for people suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and back pain. You can also try these ten workout variations that can be very effective for weight loss.

Three hours of yogalates a week is enough to help you lose inches quickly. To perform yogalates, you will require a high degree of strength and flexibility. If you are a beginner, you must first get the technique and the body positioning right. Also, make sure you learn yogalates under the supervision of an expert to get the steps right.

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