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Weight Loss Tip #119 – Create a music playlist to make your workout sessions fun


Many people completely avoid going to the gym or exercising because of how monotonous and tedious a workout can get. After all, running on a treadmill or performing other cardio exercises can get boring since you have to repeat the same physical activity over and over again.

However, if you have been working out or even exercising outdoors to lose weight without any music, you have been doing it wrong. This is because when you are physically exerting your body and trying to push your limits gradually to increase your stamina, you are prone to experience extreme fatigue. By listening to high tempo music during your workout, you can actually burn more calories since it will help in fighting against fatigue! [1] These are the 5 ways music keeps your healthy, happy and fit.

To get the most out of your workout, plan in advance and handpick at least 15-20 songs with fast beats and create a playlist either on your phone or iPod. Once you start with your cardio workout session, plug in your headphones and crank up the volume to the maximum for a great session. You will notice that you can exercise for longer than usual and even find yourself enjoying it. Here are 7 ways to get the best of your cardio regime.

Remember to select high tempo and happy songs for the playlist. Completely avoid slow paced or sad, romantic songs. If you’re going for a brisk walk outdoors, be careful and keep the volume lower so you are aware about your surroundings. If you will be walking on roads or by highways, completely avoid listening to music since you can put yourself at the risk of an accident. Watch this 8-minute cardio workout that you can try at home.

Instead, look for a park or garden for exercising so you can listen to your workout playlist. If you will also be going for weight training after your cardio exercises, then it is a good idea to remove your headphones and concentrate on your breathing. Here’s how you can supercharge your cardio workout.

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1. Almeida FAM, Nunes RFH, Ferreira S dos S, et al. Effects of musical tempo on physiological, affective, and perceptual variables and performance of self-selected walking pace. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2015;27(6):1709-1712. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.1709.


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