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Weight Loss Tip #123 – Have an early lunch every day


Are you frustrated about the fact that despite joining the gym and cutting down on your junk food, you’re still stuck on square one in terms of actually losing weight? Chances are, though you’re eating a healthy diet, you are not eating at the right time. Spanish doctors from the University of Murcia published a study in the International Journal of Obesity in 2013 that revealed that your time of daily food intake directly predicts how effective or successful your weight-loss diet will be [1].

We’re all aware of how important it is to add more proteins and fiber to our diet for weight loss, but did you know your lunch timings play an important role in determining your metabolism? In this study, the role of food timing in weight loss effectiveness was studied in around 420 individuals who were following 20 weeks long weight loss treatment. The participants were divided into two groups – late eaters (51%) and early eaters (49%).  After 20 weeks, it was found that late eaters not only lost less weight but also displayed a slower weight-loss rate as compared to early eaters though their energy intake and dietary composition was similar.

Importance of timing while dieting

The researchers further observed that the later-eaters were mostly evening or night people and skipped breakfast more often than the group of early eaters. The doctors concluded their study by saying that eating late may influence the success of one’s weight loss program. Along with that, they also added that other than concentrating on your caloric intake, the timings of your food intake should also be taken into serious consideration if you want to see better results from your weight loss efforts. Here’s another reason you should avoid a late lunch. Also, did you know that carrying chopped fruits and vegetables in your lunch bag is bad for you?

Make sure to have your lunch by 1.30 pm every day and other than lunch, also have your dinner by 9.30 pm to accelerate your weight loss process. Here are 5 things you should do during your lunch break to increase your productivity at work.

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Garaulet M, Gómez-Abellán P, Alburquerque-Béjar JJ, Lee Y-C, Ordovás JM, Scheer FA. Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness.International journal of obesity (2005). 2013;37(4):604-611. doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.229.


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