Yesterday I wrote a post about the 15 or so lifestyle changes that you need to make to lose 20 pounds in 1 month and coincidentally I believe Scott the Fit Bastard has written a post about how the lifestyle approach to fat loss is a bunch of crap.
I agree with a lot of what the Fit Bastard has to say but at the same time I think that he may be wrong as well.
The argument that Scott makes is that if you are making lifestyle changes it is a very weak way and a cop out to the intense training that he does to make changes in a short period of time, training that forces big changes.
Well Scott is already in great shape as you can see from the pics of him on his site.
The point that I made yesterday still stands. If you look forward to the fall TV season so that you can sit on the couch. If you crave drive thru. If you think that it was too hot out today so maybe you will exercise tomorrow, then you are not in need of a hardcore routine like Scott put himself through you need to dig to the core of your lifestyle and make those changes first.
One of the points in the post Scott made was that he stays on a routine for four weeks and then moves on to something else before he burns himself out. Maybe it is time for you to look back at my post if you have not seen it already and talk about it in your own head.
Make changes, big changes and start making changes today!
After you have had your struggles changing your lifestyle and did everything and failed and succeeded you will have learned a lot about yourself and will have great admiration for yourself maybe for the first time in a long time.
Once you have this new pride in your strength and perseverance then you will have a chance to make the refinements or another wholesale change in your diet and exercise. The point is though that you need to make these changes happen so that you are in a place to learn what you need to do next.
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