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Mistakes that will ruin your diet


Do you know that there are two ways to lose weight, diet and exercise? As a matter of fact, you need to combine those two methods in order to lose successfully. Unfortunately, some people make certain silly loss mistakes and eventually fail to reach their loss goals.

Don’t make these simple mistakes that will ruin your diet

Cheating on your diet

It is very tempting to ‘cheat’ on your diet and eat your favorite junk foods straight from the refrigerator. Now, cheating is good as long as you do it moderately. However, if you eat more unhealthy than healthy foods, then you cannot expect to lose weight, right?

Many times, when people start an exercise regimen in addition to dieting, they think that eating a burger or two cups of ice cream or two packets of potato chips won’t make any difference in their , since they could easily burn off the extra calories with the help of workouts. Now that might be true for your thinner counterparts, but since you already have several pounds to lose, such unhealthy eating habits will triple your body , and no amount of exercises would be able to save you.


If you want to burn the extra calories which you consume in the form of junk foods, you should be working out the entire day, and probably even then, you won’t be able to burn off half the amount of calories you consumed.

Exercises can help only when you eat low-calorie, healthy foods; one cannot exist without the other. So, if you are serious about loss, you should stick to your diet and ‘cheat’ only once in a while.

Skipping your breakfast

Breakfast is there to ‘break your fast’. When you wake up in the morning, I am sure you are very hungry. If you skip breakfast, you will feel more and more hungry as the day passes. Eventually your hunger would reach to such an extent that it would become unbearable for you. At this moment you would gorge on the fast foods that you could get from your local restaurant.

And before you realize it, you would’ve eaten so much of these ‘bad foods’ that your would increase manifold.

Eating low-fat foods

Eating one fatty food is same as gorging on hundreds of low-fat foods; in either case, you are consuming the same amount of calories.  Just because you are eating low-fat foods doesn’t mean that you have the liberty to overeat and throw all dietary cautions to the wind.

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