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Easy Ways to Prevent Overeating


Over eating is a recipe for disaster. It can not only result in rapid loss, but also serious illness particularly if the over eating involves unhealthy food and happens on a regular basis.

Over eating is usually a result of several factors including boredom, depression, sickness or stress. Thankfully most causes of overeating can be treated. Here are five easy ways to prevent overeating:

1. Find the cause of your overeating

This can be the hardest part of the process of preventing overeating. If you are unsure of the reason that you eat too much at times then it is advisable to visit a doctor and then he may refer you to a psychologist who will be able to get to the root of your overeating problem. As mentioned, there are just a few common reasons why people over eat.

2. Treat the cause of over eating


Once you know the reason of your overeating, you can start treating it. This is an exciting time particularly if you really want to stop overeating. The cures may include changing your mental attitude, finding hobbies or treating an illness like bulimia. At the other end of the spectrum you could go so far as letting someone else shop for you and not provide any sort of food besides what you need for main meals.

3. Keep busy

Most people over eat due to boredom. If this is the case with you then you can avoid eating too much simply by occupying your mind and body. This is particularly vital at the times you are likely to overeat such as late at night. At these times you could take up reading, watching a movie (without snacks), writing or any other activity that occupies the mind and takes your mind off food. If need be, put a lock on the fridge and hide the key.

4. Get meals delivered

Getting your meals delivered to your house means you do not have to go shopping. This means there is no extra food in the fridge to tempt you. There are many companies who home deliver meals at a reasonable cost.

5. Maintain the changes

People find it easy to change but not so easy to continue the changes. By constantly checking your progress and seeking continual help you can ensure that your overeating prevention program is working.

These five easy ways to prevent overeating will treat most causes of this common problem.

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