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5 Short And Sweet Tips For Easy Weight Loss

Want to get rid of a bit of extra weight? Here are five easy steps to help you get rid of that weight.

Tip 1 : Be nice to yourself

So many people invest a lot of time and effort beating themselves up about how they look and what they eat, but does it do them any good?
No! If you are encouraging and supportive of yourself, just as you would be for a child who was learning to walk, you will find that you get rid of weight so much easier and a side effect of this is that you will feel much better about yourself.

Next time you are about to beat yourself up about slipping on your diet, just stop, take a deep breath and remind yourself you are doing a great job and that you won't be repeating that again. You'll notice a difference very quickly.

Tip 2 : Get Support

If you are trying to lose weight and the people around you are not supportive or encouraging then it is going to be an uphill struggle. Find yourself a friend who has the same goals (to get rid of weight) and work with them. Get them to encourage and support you as you do to them. This will make you feel so much better and help you to achieve success.

Tip 3 : Set Goals

How much weight do you want to get rid of? A couple of pounds? Twenty pound? More? Less? So many people say they want to get rid of some weight define some weight is it a pound? Ten pounds?

If you do not set weight goals then you are not going to know where you are heading. Decide exactly how much weight you want to get rid of and when you want to get rid of it by. Set yourself milestones and goals and make sure they are achievable.

Tip 4 : Tell A Friend

Tell a friend about your weight goals and get them to hold you accountable for them. Tell them what you will achieve and when you will achieve it by. Tell them what you will do if you hit your goal and what you will do if you don't reach your goal. Make sure the latter is something that will motivate you to hitting your goal!

Tip 5 : Don't mix carbs and protein

Mixing carbs and protein can affect your digestion and impact your weight loss goals. Try to ensure your meals are balanced eat protein one meal, carbs the next, but avoid the two together. You'll notice a big difference in how you feel.

These five simple tips will help you to get the most out of your weight control program and to reach your ideal weight quicker and enjoy your diet much more.

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