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Weight Loss Tips To Help Lose Belly Fat

If you are like most people that need help to lose belly fat, a big problem that occurs is, you sometimes feel like you are just going in circles. Does part of your program involve moderate aerobic training where you end up spending countless hours walking a treadmill and never seem to get anywhere with your weight loss efforts. Your weight loss tip from the program you’ve joined, or even the gym that you belong to has you believing that walking and watching TV while on that treadmill at a low impact level is going to accomplish your weight loss goals and help lose belly fat.

Now, find out how many individuals ended up quitting those weight loss programs after weeks of getting nowhere and still wanting to lose belly fat. Ask yourself, why do you think they added TV’s to those treadmills in the first place? The obvious reason is that people just got bored with walking on the treadmills. And, I’m sure that you’ll agree, exercising can be very boring, no matter what others might say.

Let’s look at this principle from a different angle and see if this might be an alternative weight loss tip and possibly help lose belly fat for you. With muscle building, your body is structured to carry out normal physical activity in bursts of force and than it is followed by a recovery. This is characterized the stop and go method rather than the steady movement that most people perform on treadmills.

New research has brought forward publicized information that explains physical changeability is probably a key component with weight loss as it is with muscle building. Most physical and competitive sports, with a couple of exceptions, are geared towards the stop and go movement or training. A perfect example of this type of training program, and the differences in body structures would be a sprinter and a long distance runner.

Have you ever watched track and field or the Olympics? Have you ever noticed the physiques with sprinters versus the long distance runners? It is very obvious to tell them apart just by looking at each of their physical structures. The long distance runner has a body much the shape of a pole, where as the sprinter has a body that is lean and defined with muscle.

To help better reach your goal of weight loss and to lose belly fat, add a variable to your training program. If you are not at the stage of jogging, you can always change your walking patterns and routes that will increase your heart rate. Remember, your heart is a muscle as well and it needs exercise or training to handle the every day stress and pressure.

Better put, a program designed to increase your heart rate and than decrease it will help your heart to handle the everyday stress that it goes through. We all know that stress can cause your blood pressure and heart rate to accelerate. By just walking on the treadmill without a professionally designed program and at a steady pace, you are not effectively training your heart to handle changes that occur.

Think of it this way, what happens when you panic? Your heart rate and blood pressure increases until the problem that caused you to panic goes away. After you have solved the problem your heart rate and blood pressure start returning to normal levels. This is part of the stop and go method which is actually training your heart and at the same time burning calories for weight loss.

The key factor with the stop and go method is the recovery part of your training program. Also, by doing this type of program or training you increase your chances of reaching your goal of weight loss and lose belly fat without getting bored. To add to this, there are many ways you can benefit from the stop and go training program.

If your intent is on using the treadmill, than incorporate a variable training program. For example something like this, perform a warm up with a 5 minute brisk walk and than go into your first step. This would be something like a fast walk or jog between 6-8 mph for about a minute.

Step two would be walking for about 2 minutes at 3-4 mph. Step three would be a fast walk again or jogging between 8-10 mph for 2 minutes and than step four would be walking again between 3-4 mph for 2 minutes. You would repeat these steps for about a total of 20-25 minutes to give you a more powerful work out.

What you will gain from this type of program is a more intense work out that will benefit your overall health, increase weight loss and help lose belly fat.

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