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5 Fast Weight Loss Tips

Fast weight loss is much easier than most people think. In fact, losing weight fast is probably the easy part. Keeping the weight off is much more difficult. It's best to lose the weight slowly over time, but if you want to lose weight fast, here's how to do it.

Follow these 5 tips and you will easily reach your fast weight loss goals.

1. Don't eat more than 50g of carbohydrates per day. This one tip alone will drop the weight off in no time. Have your carbs in the morning or right before and after your workout. Stick to fruits and vegetables as your main source of carbohydrates.

2. Flush your body with lots of water. Women sometimes mistakenly believe that drinking water will cause water bloat. In reality the opposite is true. When you limit water intake the body tries to hold onto it. That's because our body's main function is to keep you alive. Drink up to 2 gallons of water a day and you'll flush out the excess water.

3. Eat more protein. Protein boosts the metabolism. Many studies have been done that show a high protein and low carbohydrate diet helps the body lose fat easier. An added benefit is that protein gives you a sense of fullness. Each meal that you eat should contain protein.

4. Hit the gym. Weight training is a sure way to not only burn fat, but it will also give you a toned and fit body to boot. Unfortunately many women don't use enough weight to elicit a metabolic response.

Unfortunately many women train with weights that are too light. Pick a weight that allows you to do between 8-12 reps, but don't go to complete failure where you can't do another rep. Stop a couple of reps before you reach that point. Training with weights is one of the best things you can do to lose fat.

5. Do high intensity interval training (HIIT). Have you ever seen a fat speed skater or sprinter? Probably not. Compare the physiques of sprinters versus marathon runners. Notice how much more muscular sprinters are. Although marathon runners look skinny, often times they carry around double digit body fat percentages.

Here's how you do it. Warm up for a couple of minutes on a treadmill or your favorite aerobic machine. Sprint for 30 seconds at 80-90 percent of max effort. Rest for 30 - 60 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times. That's it. Let me warn you though. This type of training is very hard to do, but the reward is the amount of fat you could lose, which may be worth the effort.

I guarantee fast weight loss will come easy if you follow these five tips.

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