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How To Make Weight Loss Exercises Easy And Enjoyable

Everyone knows that in order to lose weight, we need to eat sensibly and exercise regularly. It's so easy to say, but why does it seem so hard to do? I put it to you that exercising effectively is all about attitude. If you could just understand how simple it is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, you could make a decision now to just do it. That decision would lead to weight loss, and weight loss would change your life.

I know the latest exercise equipment as featured on television ads can be very enticing, but don't feel like you have to buy any large, expensive item in order to start your new exercise regime. Perhaps you have one such machine in a wardrobe somewhere; if so, drag it out and crank it up. Try to place it somewhere obvious and leave it set up, then you'll be more inclined to use it every day. If not, all you really need to put your hands on is a large exercise ball, which will suffice. There are very few muscles you will miss working using the ball, and it's relatively inexpensive.

One mistake many make is to suppose that exercising will take big chunks of our time. Just take it one step at a time. It's easy to find exercise DVDs which consist of 20 minute routines, and if you do this at least 3 times a week, you will be on your way to a better physique. Usually, exercise is best completed first thing in the morning before the demands of your day take hold. It's a good idea to get it over with and then you can relax for the rest of the day, without thinking of when you will fit it in. A lady I know does a 20 minute aerobics workout last thing before bed every evening; this works perfectly well for her and she can't believe how well she sleeps as a result! The worst thing you can do is miss a couple of sessions as this is when despondancy sets in and you'll be less likely to pick up and resume your exercise habit. Anyway, the time you exercise is an individual thing and you need to choose the time you know you have free every day, then be disciplined about developing the exercise habit.

A key to sticking with your exercise plan is to make it something you enjoy. Sounds obvious, doesn't it, but you'd be amazed how many people try to get interested in the wrong sport for them, and then quit because it didn't interest them enough in the long term. I advise you to brainstorm ten activities you really like doing. Now if one of those activities is playing football, good on you, but if the list reads more like a passive hobbies list, do some more thinking. How can you make dining out with friends more physical and overall a more healthy experience? Answer, you can schedule a meal somewhere appealing with lots of variety on the menu, near to a beach, river or nature walk, then go for a walk pre-meal to work up that appetite. A lovely experience is to go cycling with the kids, end up at a cafe somewhere, all the while making irreplacable memories, and burning calories as a bonus! Or be like my wife and I and make an after dinner walk on the beach (or wherever's accessible to you) a habit in the summertime for the whole family. Don't leave the kids at home! Model healthy living to them and they'll thank you for it one day. At the very least they'll have beautiful, fun memories of regular conversation in the fresh air with no distractions and no television!

Exercise does not have to be formal and inflexible. Your everyday routine provides limitless opportunities to get in shape and burn some calories. For example, those television remote controls can be put to one side and you can rely on the legs God's given you for a change! You can change your attitude about finding close parking places in shopping centres; why not actually choose a park some distance away from the shop doors? It will be less crowded and you'll steal a calorie burning opportunity as you carry heavy shopping bags (like dumbells) back to the car later on. Forget the lift, decide now to always take the stairs at work. Bus commuters, you don't have to get off at your usual stop. Consider getting off one stop too early and walking the last bit of distance. Radical, hey! See what I mean about changing your attitude? And lastly, if you have an office job (especially if you work with computers), always break up your day with several brisk walks around your block to take in the fresh air and get the blood pumping. Ladies, take walking shoes with you if your work shoes are uncomfortable.

Compete with yourself. If you manage to organise a daily walk (or a walk three times a week as a minimum), have fun by creating a chart and display it somewhere prominent such as on your fridge. Time yourself each walk and watch as you shave minutes off your previous best time. This will inevitably happen as you get fitter and fitter. Include a column to measure your pulse when you return home and you'll also be thrilled to see your fitness levels increase. Before long you'll be able to increase the length of your walk and still return home within the same time period.

Choose somewhere you love and exercise there. If your home is your palace, and you wish to exercise in privacy, then set yourself up there in front of the television or around the swimming pool. It's better than nothing. But if you're serious about a daily walk, remember that the fresh air of outside is rejuvenating in itself. Don't just walk around your own neighbourhood if it doesn't particularly inspire you. Get in the car and drive to somewhere beautiful, a lake, river, bush track etc and take your walk there. Look, maybe your paradise place is the local shopping centre. My wife has a friend who actually exercises there by briskly walking the length and breadth of her local shopping centre several times every morning before the crowds arrive. Whatever works for you will probably work for you!

It is frequently the case that the overzealous are their own worst enemy. They throw themselves into gruelling exercise routines after determining they will not be slack this time, and end up either injurred or just exhausted, despondent and experiencing lots of aches and pains. Sound familiar? This is no foundation on which to build the rest of your life. Start slowly, move gradually to the next challenge, and be sensible. Your safety is paramount. So don't go jogging if you'd be better off walking briskly or swimming. And try to organise yourself an exercise buddy for accountability, encouragement and safety.

If you're looking for a form of exercise with suits nearly everyone, look no further than swimming. Swimming is great as a regular form of exercise as it's low impact (so you're unlikely to get injured), appeals to all ages and is quite a workout for your whole body. It's also lots of fun, it feels like pure pleasure in hot weather and can be continued throughout the cold months if you live near an indoor pool centre. Nobody but you needs to know how fast or stylishly you're swimming, it can be an individual challenge if that's what you prefer.

The competitive spirit can be a powerful motivator for those of you who, like myself, thrive on competition. If you're not already involved in team sport, see what you can arrange. This will be the right move for you. You'll feel accountable to the others in the team, you'll be unlikely to let them down by not showing or having a slack day and you'll be motivated to play because you like winning.

If you want to see quick results in your physique, I would definitely have a whey protein based shake on hand and take this between 20 and 30 minutes after your exercise session. You'd be amazed at the difference this will make. During exercise you muscles basically tear and protein helps them to start rebuilding immediately. This leads to greater muscle tone and fat burning. Whey protein and L Carnitine is a winning combination if you really need to lose some weight. Why do all the hard work and not give yourself every advantage?

Now is the day to make a resolve. Resolve to make some changes in your lifestyle which will result in regular, enjoyable exercise. If it's enjoyable you'll adopt it as a natural part of your lifestyle. If it's regular it will become a healthy habit. I dare you to start brainstorming ways you can get more active within the confines and time limits of your present lifestyle. Weight loss and improved well being will necessarily follow.

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