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Why Those Quick Weight Loss Diets Are Destined To Fail

A lot of us have seen those quick weight loss diets. They are advertised on tv and on infomercials, and promise to magically melt off those pounds. Losing the weight fast is only a small part of the battle. You need to know why those quick weight loss diets are destined to fail for you, and how to make a plan to win.

In order to not only lose the weight, but keep it off, you need to make some changes. Permanent changes. This is what those quick weight loss diets don't tell you. You don't have to sacrifice all the foods you love and exercise 24/7, but you do need to make a plan and stick to it. If you continue to make progress, no matter how small, you will win at the weight loss game.

The first step is a goal. Figure out a realistic amount of weight you'd like to lose. Don't shoot for the stars, just say to yourself you'd like to lose x pounds a week. 2-3 pounds a week is a good start if you're stuck. Don't compare yourself to others. Try taking a picture before you start, so you can see your progress along the way, which can be very encouraging.

Now, on to the work part, exercise. This is the tough hurdle for most people. Most of us have long days at work, and lots to do at home. It's very hard to fit in time to exercise, and even easier to just pass on it for tonight. Unfortunately, the easy way doesn't produce results. Even something as simple as doing 25 situps before going to bed is beneficial. Just remember, it doesn't have to be hours of exercise to have an effect. Granted, 30 minutes or more of exercise a day is the target, but something is better than nothing. Once you get used to it, it becomes more natural and just another task like getting a shower.

Here's a good tip to make exercise easier. Try setting up either an exercise bike or a treadmill in front of the tv, or within view of it. Now, put on a good movie. TV shows have commercials which tend to bring your focus back to exercise, instead of being a distraction for you. Quite often you'll exercise a lot more than you planned, without even realizing it!

Now, the other change you need to make is your diet. I refer to diet as what you eat, not what you can't eat, or are stuck eating. Just take a look at what you eat, and figure out what you can avoid or substitute for something with less calories. Calories are the name of the game. If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. Simple equation. Exercise burns more calories, so you can either lose more weight, or burn off those couple of items you maybe should have avoided eating.

So, quick loss diets do work, but you need to make changes or the weight will come back, and then some. Eating better, and exercise, makes a huge difference. Just start small, and work you way up to where you want to be. Once you get the ball rolling, it definitely gets easier.

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