Take a look at the 21 tips below. Are ways to eat better and include some physical activity into your routine busy. Start by choosing five of the proposed changes and to engage in them this week. Then choose to adopt five more next week. After one month, you're almost to the complete list.
1. Enjoy in moderation
A tip to be satisfied without consuming too many calories is to "break" calorie foods into small pieces. Do this with cheese and chocolate, for example. You get the feeling that ate much more than actually consumed.
2. Hydrate
Always have a bottle water in their hands. The water will bring satiety and many other health benefits. Also, avoid you eat without being hungry. Have you noticed how often you eat without giving the slightest attention to what you're eating? Not worth it!
3. Use herbs and spices
Herbs and spices will make much difference on their plates without adding calories. In some cases, may even help your metabolism. This is the case of red pepper, mustard and ginger.
4. Lose your soup
Put your soup in the dish and refrigerate. As it is cooling, the fat rises and stays on the surface. Then just take the fat and warm again.
5. Ask half-portion in restaurants
Normally abuse more when we had lunch outside. The dishes are usually larger and more calories than we consume at home. Ask half-portion and avoid excess.
6. Pay attention to your desires
If you want to eat a sweet, eat! But make healthier choices (a fruit or a cereal bar protein barIf you exercise). It's the beach? Opt for corn, fruit or ice cream. Want a pizza? Choose the least calories.
7. Go to adapt to the diet gradually
If you do not like anything green, no point in making a huge platter of salad. You can not eat or will make a huge sacrifice for it. In both cases, your diet will not last long. Then do this: start by placing some vegetables on your sandwich, put the rice and carrots go always experimenting with new flavors.
8. Keep an eye on fat
Want an easy way to identify high-calorie dishes? Keep an eye on these names: fried, baked, Parmigiana, carbonara. Eat them in moderation.
9. Do not do other things while eating
If you usually work, read or watch TV while eating, never paying attention to what is leading to the mouth and enjoying every bite. When eating, sit down and engage in this pleasure. You will enjoy more and eat less.
10. Try new flavors
Vary your menu. You will find that healthy dishes like more than you think! I do not like lettuce, but I love broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. I do not like watercress, but I love spinach. You will not like everything, but find that there are many healthy and tasty things out there.
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