Easy Weight Loss - How Grape Juice Helps You Eat Less and Eat Healthy and Eat Less Sugar.
It is very difficult to diet when you are hungry and many diet plans and programs leave you hungry and "wanting more". The following study shows you how to eat less easily and effortlessly. All you have to do is remember to drink the juice--which you can buy at any supermarket. Just think, weight loss with NO special foods to buy, no plans to follow, no dieting restrictions. Weight loss occurs when you eat less and move more.
Here's the science behind this plan and how it works:
Judith Rodin of Yale University compared the hunger-curbing abilities of plain water and three lemonade-flavored drinks containing 1) aspartame; 2) 200 calories worth of glucose; and 3) 200 calories worth of fructose (fruit sugar).
She randomly assigned each of 24 men and women, aged 22-50, to drink 16.9 ounces of one of the 4 drinks, served at room temperature. About 40 minutes later, participants selected lunch from a buffet and were told to eat until comfortably full . This was repeated several times over the next few months where each diner returned to drink down a different beverage each time and then lunched at the same buffet.
Most subjects ate about as many calories after downing non-caloric aspartame-sweetened lemonade as they did after drinking plain water, Rodin reported in the March (sometime in the 1990's) edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. After drinking lemonade sweetened with 200 calories worth of glucose, they usually consumed about 10-15% fewer calories.
But the most dramatic appetite suppression followed consumption of the drink sweetened with fructose. The 20-40% fewer calories generally eaten after drinking fructose far more than compensated for the 200 calories the drink contained. Also, earlier studies by Rodin indicated that the appetite suppression seen in the new study may hold true if a fructose sweetened snack (or beverage) is consumed ever up to 21/2 hours before mealtime.
The fructose-sweetened drink appeared to offer a second helpful dividend: It somehow led subjects to select meals with significantly less fat .
Anecdotally, we have been recommending this to our students for several years with these modifications:
Grape juice seems to work best to get the above results: A sip before lunch and dinner and 1 ounce in a glass of water to sip during the evening if evening snacking is a problem. Students have reported a significant decrease in their caloric consumption.
Grape juice works best, apple juice second best and orange juice, third.
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