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What Intercostal

Intercostal are the spaces present in between two neighbouring ribs. The word Intercostal is derived from two Latin words – ‘Inter’ means ‘between’ and ‘costa’ means ‘rib’. Thus, intercostal space means the space present between two ribs.

There are a total of 11 pairs of ribs found in the human thoracic cage. Out of these 11 pairs of ribs, the first 7 pairs are termed as ‘true ribs’ while the last 4 pairs are called as ‘false ribs’. The false ribs consist of 2 pairs (8th and 9th) of floating ribs and 2 pairs (10th and 11th) of vertebral ribs.

The intercostal spaces present between ribs 2–6 are termed as anterior intercostal spaces while those lying between ribs 7–10 are known as posterior intercostal spaces. The anterior intercostal spaces are much wider and more important than the posterior intercostal spaces.

The intercostal muscles are located between these rib spaces. The intercostals muscles are important in respiration in which the rib cage expands and contracts with the help of these muscles.

The intercostal spaces are also essential in providing a passage for intercostal vessels, nerves, and lymphatic channels to pass through them.

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