From Fabric:
1. Scrape off as much of the wax as you can with a dull knife or credit card.
2. Place a brown paper bag over the stain and iron it on low heat. The heat will melt the wax and transfer it to the paper bag.
3. If any wax remains, treat the stain with a pre-treatment stain remover and launder the garment according to the care label.
From Carpet:
1. Scrape off as much of the wax as you can with a dull knife or credit card.
2. Place a brown paper bag over the stain and iron it on low heat. The heat will melt the wax and transfer it to the paper bag.
3. If any wax remains, blot the stain with a solvent, such as rubbing alcohol or dry cleaning solvent.
4. Rinse the area with water and blot dry.
From Wood:
1. Scrape off as much of the wax as you can with a dull knife or credit card.
2. Apply a furniture polish to the area and rub it in with a soft cloth. The polish will help to dissolve the wax and restore the wood's finish.
3. If any wax remains, use a hair dryer to heat the wax and then wipe it off with a soft cloth.
Other surfaces:
Try wiping the surface with some nail polish remover. Test a small area first, as it may damage some surfaces. If it doesn’t damage the surface, you can use the nail polish remover to scrape off the wax and then polish with a soft cloth.
CHEESECAKE PUDDING VARIATION1 cup heavy cream, whipped 8 ounces cream
MERINGUE SURPRISES2 egg whites1 teaspoon vanilla1/8 teaspoon salt *1/2
GIADAS ESPRESSO PANNA COTTA1/4 cup vanilla Da Vinci sugar free syrup *
RUTHIS MINUTE ORANGE CAKE2 teaspoons butter or coconut oil (see my com
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