QuestionI have conflicting ideals I'd like to have put to a close.
I'm overweight and have this "perfect" regimine and diet program based on cutting edge information and its tailored to my biological qualities. For example I am glucose insensitive,, I must consume 50% protein instead of 30% per day. I weight x amount of lbs have x percent of bodyfat, will do x amount of activity and have derived a caloric consumption calculation to provide the "exact" amount of calories for my body to suffice its energy requirements during days of activity and consuming the same amount of those calories on the "rest" days will provide a surplus of calories to allow my muscles to grow.. as per this link
Furthermore I've dialoged with John Berardi and he took the liberty of sending me a link to his conclusions on how consuming BCAA's and carbohydrates after a workout are greatly beneficial and reduce/control catabolism after strenuous activity.
Then I ran into this link, , in where to my suprize I've noticed not only endurance but also bodybuilding athletes have been able to win world competitions on vegetarian diets.
***** Now I don't know how to persue my goals since my plan is based on a diet that seems to be a fallacy and am very incertain about how to persue my goal of building a muscular physique less than that of a professional "bodybuilder" but more than that of the average joe.
So here it is:
1. What portions of what food mix of fruits and nuts, how many calories per day should I consume for 1 hour of weight training and/or 1 hour of caridiovascular exercise? My average daily activities are considered to be light office work I weigh 225 lbs and have 27% bodyfat am 5'11 in heightm, I'm 26 years old.
2. How to eat/prepare raw meats and not get sick? During international travel the supermarket meats seem just scary to eat raw with their horrible appearance.... Why eat raw meat to begin with if supposedly with raw fruit and vegetables its enough? What portion of vegetables vs fruits should I eat to not break my body during extreme physical exertion for the results I want to attain? A couple of my close friends have had to up the amount of food they eat and up the amount of weight they lift to get muscle gains.... I can get by on a couple pounds of leaves you say and still lift the weight they do?
3. Are hydrolized protein isolates also dangerous? supposedly they are amino acids pre-digested readily absorbed in the blood stream.
4. I love rappini, spinach, broccolli, cabbage and vegetables ... I love to fry them in olive oil and chopped garlic with salt or sometimes just boil them and throw them in a dish of pasta... is this a no-no also? I understand vegetables may have pesticides, toxic residues etc etc... so what do you do.. do you dip them in boiling water for a minute, two minutes or just haven't overlooked this?
5. I forget but their are certain grains that cannot be eaten raw and can cause you to get intoxicated... maybe wheat but I'm not sure.. my memory is shady but it was about a study the USDA did on raw beans or probably consuming raw wheat.. did you ever run across this study yourself,, is there a list of safe foods to eat raw to avoid these negative eventualities?
Thank you for your time
Michael Vitale
AnswerSorry, I noticed that there's a formatting problem in the chart - what looked OK in preview is not in the final answer. So her goes the carb grams - sets chart: First figure is Length of set in seconds, the second is Carb grams burnt
30 ------- 0.83
40 ------- 1.16
50 ------- 1.41
60 ------- 1.75
70 ------- 2.00
80 ------- 2.33
90 ------- 2.58
Typo correction: the Finn's URL is in fact (<a href="">click here if you are an AOL user</a>)
Dear Michael,
Your question is in fact a call for my opinion and my opinion is, always in the cases of questions like yours, that one needs to educate himself on regular basis.
I think you need to choose a reliable source for learning scientific basics of your way of eating. I checked the URLs you gave in your message and I suggest that you consider these criteria:
1. The article: is there footnotes for the facts so you could investigate the matter independently? I failed finding them in Michael Dye's article.
2. The author - why should you trust? I searched for Michael Dye and found one volleyball player, one basketball player, and one supporter of Christian way to manage abuses. Indirectly, one can draw the conclusion that this is the author.
Now, John Berardi's background looks reliable to me but you might want to have a second opinion from a reputable source. I trust Christian Finn and his excellent I also trust Tom Venuto since I took my time to carefully read his eBook (can be found at or <a href="">click here if you are an AOL user</a>)
Finally, I found Lyle McDonald "Ketogenic Diet" still to be a classic book on the subject of bodybuilding nutrition. I've read his paper book but it's now online and can be found hrer: (<a href="">click here if you are an AOL user</a>)
In any of these sources you'll find well researched background and practical applications as to how to calculate the combination of your workouts with your nutrition needs, etc.
For the starters, here's a simple chart that you probably already seen. If not, use it to roughly estimate how many carb grams you can burn in one set of strength training.
Length of set Carb grams burnt
in seconds per kg body weight
30 0.83
40 1.16
50 1.41
60 1.75
70 2.00
80 2.33
90 2.58
Hope it helps. If not, please feel free following up your question.
Tanya Zilberter, PHD
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