QuestionI was just wondering if fruitarians can get fat from just eating fruits and will fruitarians eventually develop diabetes?
AnswerDear Yan,
I am prone to say fruitarians/fructarian are highly unlikely to get fat or develop diabetes. I rather suspect other health problems are more likely to kick in, first! It depends on whether you literally mean an entirely exclusive diet, which is singly comprised of fruit... But if this is the case, and (very particular) medical reasons or extreme spiritual motivations have not lead to the choice of this particular diet one must consider seriously that there can be no great health benefits from this diet, and indeed, potentially long term irreversible negative consequences.
I base my answer on the fact that man (homo sapiens) technically/biologically is an omnivore and already hardly made to be a vegetarian, let alone vegan. Being a fructarian is even more challenging on our metabolic and digestive system. To name one obvious reason: as you allude to yourself it makes you consume a very high amount of sugars, which does tax the liver and also causes ugly yeasting processes in the gut. Also, our brains desperately need protein and on the whole we need a very complex and sensibly balanced cocktail of minerals and vitamins and amino acids which fruit alone can never provide. Even in the animal kingdom there are only rare instances of species which are 100 percent fructarian.
To pull out a final plum: bear, also, in mind that fruits are the least "living" type of food: once ripe enough to eat they are actually beginning to decay. Also note how this goes for "vegetable"-fruit-like foods (exempting seeds and nuts but including pulses), like peas, which lose virtually all their vitamins within ten minutes after shelling - (that's why they are most nutritious when deep frozen;eventhough it ruins the "life force".).
One thing fructarians definitely ought to mark is that juices are much more likely to cause sugar imbalances than whole fruits (usually more fibre, and certainly pulped/chewed fruits take longer to digest).
A very last cautionary note: be wary of (newly introduced/fad) fruits which are not native to your part of the world. Their miraculous properties are often based on either traditions not particularly suitable for you or scientific analysis without sufficient substantiated practical evidence.
May an apple a day keep the doctor away,
Take Care,
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