QuestionHello Geoff,
I so appreciate all of the wonderful information you have put out on the internet. Thank you. I too am a non dairy body type. I'd consume it, but I don't do well on it, ie: tired, snotty, depression. I resonate more with the idea that I'm a fast oxidizing, protein, thyroid body type. Any way, I loved Aajonus's 2 books, but can't follow many of the suggestions because of the dairy and green juices. I would love your version of eating in a condensed book form. Just a suggestion. And the more before and after pictures of people the better. I'd also love for it to include warming foods, for example, peppers, curry, etc. But you may not agree with that. I live in a cold place, and I don't think I ate enough fat when I consumed this type of diet last time. I was perpetually cold. I'm also greatly impressed by eye and hair color change from consuming SCD or whatever means you may have witnessed or experienced which cause iris color change. I think it's an amazing tracker of detoxification. I'm also quite impressed with bone/teeth regrowth. Rami Nagel at has a great book on that subject. I'd love to include places where people could purchase such products as well. I currently consume a cooked paleo diet of steamed meat and greens with expensive olive oil (it's the only kind I don't get mucus from). I feel great on it, but I admire your diet and think a book would be wonderful. Thanks so much.
Answer I'm afraid I'm not really enough of an authority to write a recipe book as I consider myself more of an experienced, enthusiastic amateur rather than a professional diet-consultant - I leave all the book-writing to the diet Gurus like Aajonus. Also, I'm no particular fan, personally, of preparing complicated recipes as I find the one of the many benefits of a raw, palaeolithic diet is that one doesn't have to spend so much time cooking/preparing things.
That said, I'm slowly encouraging people online to post all their recipes re ceviche, sashimi among other RAF recipes, most, if not all of which, should be dairy-free/veggie-juice-free. Here's one subforum devoted solely to making raw-animal-food recipes:-
Here's a tentative recipe section as well:-
The livefood, rawpaleodiet, RAV-Food Yahoo Group forums are also worth checking the archives of re specific recipes. You could also ask members as regards what particular recipes they use.
You should also buy Sally Fallon's book "Nourishing Traditions" as it reportedly contains some raw-animal-food recipes in the Weston-Price tradition. Sally Fallon , unfortunately, does promote raw dairy overly, and recommends such silly, unnecessary preparations such as recommending that all raw fish should be frozen for a minimum of 14 days before being eaten - but, the book might have some Palaeo-friendly raw recipes in it.
re before/after photos:- Here are some before/after photos for now:-
(You'll need to join and sign into the rawpaleodiet yahoo group in order to see the photos in the link above)
There are also some before/after photos in the Testimonials section of the Raw Paleo Forum:-
Not sure re bone-regrowth idea, as I haven't personally experienced it though I've heard many mentions thereof from others, but I have experienced some remarkable iris-colour changes due to my raw diet, over the years.
*My intention is to use the abovementioned "Raw Paleo Forum" to include more resources/recipes for curious RAFers over time. It's only 3 months old so this may take a little time.
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