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Carbohydrate intolerance

Is it possible to be intolerant to carbohydrates and also have them cause weight gain?
When I eat 'low carb' I have no bloating, gas, nausea, or heartburn, but when I include them in my diet, even if eating the same daily amount of calories, I get these issues.
The biggest culprits are bread and potatoes.
Is it healthy to not eat carbohydrates? I eat lots of lean meat and fruits and veggies. I have tried healthier carbs like whole wheat bread and pasta but I get the same problems.
BTW I have tried BEANO and probiotics which didnt help much.

Carbohydrate digestion naturally leads to some gas; some water retention is also natural, which is what most people lose when they eat low carb.  When you ask if it is healthy to not eat carbohydrates,  it sounds as if you are asking about starches.  Starches tend to be higher in fiber than other foods, and all foods contain different vitamins and minerals which is why a variety of foods should be consumed, so it would be possible to survive without starches but not recommended.  If breads and pastas cause the most problems, it may be that you have a gluten intolerance.  All of your symptoms,  except weight gain, are associated with gluten intolerance. Gluten-free products are easily found in most grocery stores. You can also review my past answers regarding gluten for more details. Try a gluten-free diet for two or three weeks and see if some of the symptoms have cleared. If you find your symptoms are better, you may then want to speak with your doctor, who may want to order a colonostomy to check for damaged villi. As for the potatoes, many people I have worked with swear they just look at a potato and gain weight, so just try to limit them in your diet. I wish you all the best. Please write me again if you have more questions.
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