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Organ Meats

Dear Geoffrey,

Can one live healthily on a pure meat diet, no eggs or dairy included?

Im considering one rich in both muscle meats, many organ meats, and supplemented with raw animal fat.

Hello Brandon,
Yes you can live on a pure meat diet without eggs or dairy or anything else.The catch is, of course, that you cannot survive on a diet of mostly lean muscle-meats, as that would lead to "rabbit starvation", you have to eat parts from the whole animal - (rabbit starvation happened to early American colonists who ate only lean (horse) muscle-meat and rabbit, and as a result wasted away to death). Animal fat is  therefore essential for the proper processing of raw protein. When I first started my (100%) raw palaeolithic  diet, I read a few scientific articles about what our ancestors ate, on the www.paleodiet.com website and related links.It turns out our far-off ancestors would at first only eat the innards, preferring the brain and bone-marrow above other innards, and they would leave the muscle-meat out for a few days to become tender enough to eat(I suspect cooking was invented much later on to deal with muscle-meats). On reading these articles, I decided to cut out most of my raw muscle-meats from my diet and replace them almost entirely  with (raw) organ-meats (ie:- brain, bone-marrow,tongue,heart,kidney, liver plus adrenal/pancreas glands etc.).The change was needed as I found the taste of (raw) muscle-meat not as good as organ-meats and my teeth were too weak at the time for chewing them, plus the higher  raw fat content of organ-meats meant I felt fuller quicker so I could eat less and get the same energy regardless(1g of fat has just over  twice  the calories  of 1g of protein or carbohydrate). I still eat muscle-meats obviously when I eat fowl or fish(as innards are either  too small  or absent), but then I take great care to select high-fat varieties - so for example, raw wild mallard breast(male duck) instead of turkey, fatty swordfish instead of tuna. - this isn't difficult as the high-fat meats invariably  taste a lot better).Oh yes, pork muscle-meat is more fatty than beef and contains a lot of nutrients.
Basically what you are talking about seems to be  really a partially-raw version of Vilhjalmur Stefansson's cooked Paleolithic diet.I presume you've already read about him, but if not, please read the following weblinks:-

Basically Stefansson did more or less the diet you described with the exception that he did eat eggs(
I think). He proved beyond doubt that you don't need vegetables or fruit and can live off animal foods entirely(IF you eat the innards as well). I don't agree with his cooked Palaeolithic approach as I tried something very similiar many years ago, for a  short while, and it didn't get rid of my health problems at the time, but that's just my personal stance.

Eggs are not a complete food but are highly useful as  instant fuel. I find it's a quick way to give me extra energy due to the high-fat content, and always eat them in the morning. Eggs are, however, useless for rebuilding the body as regards health - I should know, I went on a 3 week "fast" in the very  beginning of my RPD diet,  eating only raw, organic, free-range  eggs, in order to cut down on costs, and it was not a success. So eggs are not essential as such.
Dairy is something you can definitely do without. Two months  after I first began the Primal Diet, I started to introduce raw dairy into my daily routine.The effects were disastrous:- I became extremely lethargic and had constant diarrhea and constipation. After 5 months of this, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who promotes the Primal Diet, simply dismissed my  experiences as a "detox".I have since talked with a number of other Raw Animal Food Dieters on various
RAF chatgroup lists and many of them have complained of similiar symptoms with raw dairy, saying that they gained great health benefits once they cut it (and veggie juice)
out of their diet and went completely  rawpalaeo.Indeed I managed to get rid of my CFS 3 months after I cut out raw dairy - plus my teeth are now far stronger than ever before
, so it's a myth that your bones deteriorate on a dairy-free diet.

Here's a link on the negative effects of dairy:-

Basically, the trouble with dairy is that it is a concentrated food designed to help calves grow to adulthood within 2 years. This means it has growth hormones, opiates and the indigestable protein casein, plus excessive amounts of calcium etc. needed to build a very large adult skeleton
Humans don't need these extra substances and so it is extremely harmful to those humans whose genes haven't adapted to digesting dairy - indeed I read somewhere that milk causes asthma:-

Hope This helps!
Geoff Purcell
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