QuestionAgain, thanks for the intelligent answer on my last post...
I have found that following a paleolithic diet, it is extremely difficult to eat several meals per day as AV recommends.
One notable problem that arises is that you end up eating less than he suggests, however, just enough so as to simulate overeating.
Particularly on a diet based upon large amounts of fat, this poses problems.
I am athlete, and have found following 3-6 meals per day (I realize AV suggests more, but who really has time?) I still have lost my 'cut' look somewhat.
How do you time your meals, and particularly what foods do you eat at those meals (more to the point, what besides raw meats)?
Being that I am active, I find that I need more sugars than this diet suggests.
If I go to eating one meal per day, I am worried about consuming too much fruit at that one meal and, thus, absorbing so much fiber so as to be unable to eat sufficient proteins.
Any suggestions for how to take in sufficient sugars while also cutting down on my meals per day (how can I most efficiently replenish my glycogen stores)?
Thanks so much,
AnswerWell, I do a lot of sport but I'm no athlete as such. My own view is that raw (animal) fat is essential as it provides energy over a much longer period. I personally find that when I do a lot of exercise, that my appetite is severely lessened, even though my energy levels rise.
I avoid Aajonus' recommendations to eat large numbers of small meals a day, as I've found that constant digestion tire out the body long-term. I far prefer to eat 1 large
meal of innards/fish/fowl a day, nearly always in the evening, with either some veggie juice or some raw eggs in the morning, as energy boosters. I try very hard to avoid eating more than minimal amounts
of fruit or honey as they tire me out(due to the hikes and falls in blood sugar levels)-(the trouble is I
find fruit somewhat addictive). The only solution
I've found is to eat dates, as they are so high in sugars that I feel qeasy if I eat more than 2 or 3 a
day. That usually prevents me from eating more fruit than I should. Oh, and drinking veggie juice seems to get rid of my craving for raw fruit, to some extent. If you do feel the need for sugars, I would suggest buying honey rather than fruit(and raw honeycomb is even better).
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